Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team
Mission Statement
The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families. Click on the links below to access the meeting minutes.
Goals and Objectives
Juvenile Justice
- Develop an effective response for Runaway/PINS kids and families.
- Continue monitoring Orange County PINS activities and delinquency related issues.
Educational Success
- Promote and support continuation of PBIS implementation.
- Maintain focus on at-risk students; monitor school and community services.
- Develop the idea that we should be focusing on educational success rather than attendance.
- Explore ways to improve/support kids' and parents' "connectedness" to schools.
- Support OCDSS' monitoring/development of preventative programs in the community including updated information on homelessness and other issues.
- Maintain connection to Healthy Orange - support programs and activities.
- Develop a focus on, and support public health/mental health issues.
Communications and Partnerships
- Assess and support communication and coordination between schools and community agencies.
- Identify and promote "best practices" in area of communication (schools & community).
- Assess and improve where possible the efficiency of the flow of information about needs/services.
Family and Youth Focus
- Ensure family and youth representation in community planning as well as their individual service planning.
- Ensure family and youth community connectedness.
- Increase/assess availability and information regarding services in the community.
Welcome Orange
Economic Security
2023 Minutes
December 2023 Minutes
Hosted by
Deborah McBride Heppes, Chief Operating Officer
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – December 1, 2023
In Attendance:
Leah Canton, Tim Davidian, Mary Dumas, Sarah Hadden, Deborah McBride Heppes, Karyn Meier, Angela Turk, Melissa Yadanza.
- Review and approval of minutes from the October 6, 2023 meeting
A motion was made by Karyn Meier seconded by Angela Turk to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Community Family - Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
WELCOME Orange completed orientation training for 2023 for those interested in learning about and implementing the philosophy of WELCOME Orange in their daily work as a provider in Orange County. Topics included: Intro to WELCOME Orange, Stages of Change, Enhance Culture of Employees with Lived Experience (Peer Supports), Trauma Informed Care, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Economic Security:
Warming Centers are open. See link for info:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (Food Stamps) benefits supplement low-income households in order to reduce hunger and malnutrition.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) assists households with meeting the costs of home fuel and heating needs.
Voices United for Change (VU4C) is up and running and looking for members who are parents of youth with lived experience or older youth with lived experience. Their goal is to promote awareness of Children and youth mental health needs and to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.
Mental Health: Orange County Dept. of Mental Health continues to work to increase access to mental health treatment for children, youth, and their families by collaborating with school districts to develop school base satellite clinics. They are currently working on applications to develop these clinics with the Washingtonville and Highland Falls school districts.
Discussion ensued regarding Mental Health needs, Food Insecurities and Wellness throughout the County.
Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
Angela Turk –shared information about a Home Based Crisis Stabilization Program and Clinical Interim Support Program for youth recently discharged from hospital or residential program and for youth at risk of out of home placement. This program is a state and County funded program run by Rehabilitative Support Services, Inc. Angela will send the flyer for distribution as the program can accept direct referrals.
Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
Youth Bureau
Melissa Yadanza – 97 Adopted Family Safe School Ambassadors (3-4 Schools). Youth Bureau organized, help fund, and participated in Train the Trainer opportunities for Safe School Ambassadors and Strengthening Families Programs to expand the offering of these programs throughout the Count. Youth Bureau released an RFP for Team Sports for nonprofits.
As per Rachel Wilson - Revisions as follows:
100 families were helped through Adopt a Family. The Youth Bureau delivered Safe School Ambassador Trainings in 6 schools this fall. Strengthening Families was delivered to 9 families in the Monroe-Woodbury area. Strengthening Families train the trainer was completed 11/7-11/9 to expand Orange County training team. The Orange County Youth Bureau released its RFP for Youth Team Sports for nonprofits.
Sarah Hadden – students and families are struggling with food insecurities.
Discussion ensued regarding food distribution to the students and take-home food for the weekend.
Deborah McBride Heppes – explained the Amy Bull Crist Foundation.
Juvenile Justice
Tim Davidian – High School fights are up – Probation is hoping to get back in the schools. Hoping to bring back pre-PINS in the schools. Tim shared information on the impact of Raise the Age and probation office’s ability to respond. Probation works closely with Southwest Keys and DSS to address the needs of youth and families through prevention services to reduce court involvement. Youth with problematic sexual behavior pose a challenge due to lack of specific services for this issue.
Angela mentioned that OC Dept of Mental Health has contracted with a therapist who can work with youth who cause sexual harm.
Sarah Hadden – explained how the school handles students and sexual incidents.
Angela Turk – shared that an RFP utilizing Opioid Settlement Funds will be released in 2024:
to address the following priority areas:
- Improved access to quality services and support and improved transitions of care for those with substance use disorder.
- Prevention of substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders
- Housing opportunities that support treatment and recovery for individuals with a substance use or co-occurring disorder
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
February 2, 2024
Hosted By
Deborah McBride Heppes, Chief Operating Officer
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
October 2023 Minutes
Hosted by
Darcie Miller, Commissioner
Orange County Department of Social Services & Mental Health
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – April 14, 2023
In Attendance:
Tim Davidian, Sarah Hadden, Deborah McBride Heppes, Jackie Lawler, Michael McElduff, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, MaryPat Smith, Angela Turk, Kimberly Vanhaaster, Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the April 14, 2023 meeting
A motion was made by Brian Monahan seconded by MaryPat Smith to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
D. Heppes – Student Reps are in the works looking for a junior and a senior to represent.
B. Monahan – Students are adapting better this year.
S. Hadden – Increase in food insecurities and home/rent issues.
B. Monahan – All Minisink students now eat free.
D. Miller – Provided details on the County’s efforts to assist with keeping supply in Food Pantries. Economic instability has increased. DSS is receiving many applications for SNAP. Temporary housing has increased to 498 due to evictions.
Please advise D. Miller if you have a family that is at risk of eviction so that all efforts can be made to try to stabilize their housing. HEAP season will be starting soon.
Discussion ensued regarding Code Blue Season and the locations of shelters in Middletown and Newburgh.
M. McElduff – Shared information regarding the flooding and the impact on the community. Students are experiencing more bullying. Drug issues in our community. Highland Falls has been working with ADAC to promote prevention. ADAC was present to provide information at the HF open houses.
Discussion ensued regarding many employees retiring after COVID.
D. Miller – Discussion regarding the Farmingdale Bus Incident and the amazing response from Orange County including Schools, School CIISM Teams, Law Enforcement, SUNY Orange , First responders, etc.
K. Meier – Provided information regarding Youth Court.
Discussion ensued regarding how this could work in our County.
R. Wilson – 5 trainings coming up for Safe School Ambassadors at Cornwall High School, SS Seward Grades 6-8, SS Seward Grades 9-12, James I. O’Neill High School, Washingtonville High School
Adopt-a-family for the holidays has begun. Discussion ensued regarding the positive impact on morale for those who assist with this project.
Youth Bureau will assist with getting youth and young adults (ages 14-21) trained in CPR/First Aide on December 28th. It is also working with Employment & Training to explore funding for Life Guard Training.
T. Davidian & K. Vanhaaster – provided an update on Juvenile Justice. Discussion ensued regarding raise the lower age.
Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
J. Lawler – Provided information on OC Health Summit, OC Healthy Hour Pod Cast, the need for Healthcare Providers to provide immunizations. Discussion on sociological distress.
Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
A. Turk – If anyone is having difficulty connecting to mental health services – contact me 845-291-2610.
Wednesday, November 29th – Jeanne E. Jonas Professional Development Symposium. See attached save the date and nomination form.
The second Request for Application’s for Opioid Settlement funding will be coming out soon. Applications will be accepted for Prevention programs, Improving Access to Care, and Recovery Housing programs. Look for this application on the Orange County General Services webpage:
R. Wilson – Thanked BOCES on behalf of the success of her son.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
December 1, 2023
Hosted By
Deborah McBride Heppes, Chief Operating Officer
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
April 2023 Minutes
Hosted by
Deborah Heppes
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – April 14, 2023
In Attendance:
Leah Canton, Brendan Chapman, Mary Dumas, Sarah Hadden, Deborah Heppes, Jackie Lawler, Michael McElduff, Darcie Miller, Grace Patel, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the February 3, 2023 meeting
A motion was made by Kerrie Stroka seconded by Rachel Wilson to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
- Review and Approval of the 2023-2024 Meeting Schedule.
A motion was made by Darcie Miller seconded by Jackie Lawler to approve the 2023-2024 Meeting Schedule as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
Rachel W. - Introduced Youth Program Technician, Melissa Yadanza.
Youth Awards and 45 Years for the Youth Bureau – June 8th. @ SUNY Orange beginning @ 11am.
Sarah H. - Shared information on the County Hosted Tabletop Security Exercise.
Michael M. – Shared information that next week the State Police and the Sheriffs will be providing a Security Exercise.
Discussion ensued regarding security surrounding the schools, the county and protocols for emergencies.
Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
Angela T. – Shared information about the Mental Health Satellite Clinic opening at M-W. Spoke about the Suicide Guide still being used and that schools reported that the protocol within is very useful.
There will soon be full capacity at the Orange County Dept. of Mental Health Clinics. Reported on the Provider Day - well attended and great youth involvement.
Angela T. – Shared information about System of Care Event – OC was invited to record a 10 minute a lightening talk for the National System of Care Summit on Resource Mapping for Early Childhood Systems of Care
Darcie M. - Spoke about ADAC Presentation held at Goshen School District and announced that Mental Health received 7 million dollars plus 2.5 million dollars, which will be used for: Improved access to quality services and supports and improved transitions of care, prevention, and housing. RFPs for funding will be out soon!
Michael M. - Vaping is still an issue and edibles.
Discussion ensued about vaping and edibles.
Jackie L. – Shared that the Health Department is willing to help with getting the information out about vaping and edibles.
Deborah H. – Shared information about the Humanities Breakfast.
Leah C. – Issues regarding the placement of the Adolescent Offenders vs Juvenile Delinquents.
Discussion ensued.
Brendan C. – Shared that vaping and edibles are still an issue in the schools and that some students are struggling with mental health related to transition from HS to college.
Grace P. – Shared vaping is still an issue but security in the school has been increased.
Jackie L. – Health Department update on social media – TikTok will not happen as a platform, Instagram will be used instead. Starting a Podcast (Healthy Hour) – geared towards the public. Discussion ensued about the content of the Podcast.
Jackie L. – Grant for Healthy School Lunches – shared with the Superintendents.
Jackie L. – Communicable diseases are down. As of May 11 – COVID Ends at the Federal Level – Emergency Declaration is over. Let Jackie know if you need Test Kits. The Health Bus/Clinic on Wheels will be coming next week. The Flu is lower, but Flu B is going up a little. Group A strep is going up.
Brendan C. – Talked about using the Podcast for Health Class.
Darcie M. – Child Advocacy Center open house today at 30 Matthews Street.
Think Differently: a collaboration to fulfill the promise of a community where all people can fully participate, are valued for their unique contributions, and can achieve their dreams. is being honored at the Light it up Blue event tomorrow night …all are welcome!
Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
Angela T. - Event on May 6 - Voices United for Change, click for flyer: CMHAW2023FINAL (002).pdf.
Angela T. - Welcome Orange is ongoing.
Rachel W. - Summer Youth Employment is due this month.
Deborah H. – Thanked Brendan and Grace for their participation on the team. Wished them luck on their future endeavors.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
October 6, 2023
Hosted By
Darcie Miller, Commissioner
Orange County Department of Social Services & Mental Health
Melville Conference Room
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
February 2023 Minutes
Hosted by
Deborah Heppes
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – February 3, 2023
In Attendance:
Brendan Chapman, Inaudy Esposito, Deborah Heppes, Jackie Lawler, Michael McElduff, Karyn Meier, Brian Monahan, Grace Patel, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, and Rachel Wilson.
Deborah opened the meeting.
- Review and approval of minutes from the December 2, 2022 meeting
A motion was made by Angela Turk seconded by Jackie Lawler to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was unanimously carried.
Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
Youth Bureau - Thursday June 8th: Youth & Adult Awards. Nomination forms have been sent out.
Youth In Government Day will be on Wednesday, April 12. Safe School Ambassador’s update – working on train the trainer.
Schools - HFFM collaborated with Cornerstone who provided a conference on Mental Health for parents. Discussion ensued on raise the lower age and handle with care initiative. Discussion ensued on vaping issues in schools. The Health Department can assist with education and addiction. Incentive programs to help with addiction or support groups.
Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
Health Department – RSV, COVID and FLU is decreasing. No Polio in wastewater. No Monkey Pox. The Community Health Assessment is done and on our website. STI’s are increasing. Filmed some TikTok’s waiting for approval. Working on a MAP process.
Mental Health – Orange County was awarded funding and certification for a Youth Assertive Community Treatment Team. Access Supports for Living, Inc. and Rehabilitative Support Services, Inc., (RSS) are the agencies that applied for this funding. They will work together to implement this program and are hoping to begin accepting referrals in Spring 2023. Referrals for this program will come through Children’s Single Point of Access. Youth Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a program designed to address the significant needs of children ages 10 up to 21, who are at risk of entering, or returning home from high intensity services, such as inpatient settings or residential services, using a multi-disciplinary team. The team will be able to serve up to 48 youth and families once they reach full staffing capacity. Angela Turk will share more information about start up and process for referral as the planning for progresses.
Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
Voices United for Change – Award nominations are out (Youth & Family) – Annual walk is in May. (See attached)
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
April 14, 2023
Location TBD
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
2022 Minutes
- December 2022 Minutes
- October 2022 Minutes
- May 2022 Minutes
- April 2022 Minutes
- February 2022 Minutes
December 2022 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – December 2, 2022
In Attendance:
Leah Canton, Brendan Chapman, Mary Dumas, Tim Davidian, William Hecht, Deborah Heppes, Jackie Lawler, Michael McElduff, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Grace Patel, Dr. Frank Sheboy, MaryPat Smith, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Kimberly Vanhaaster, Rachel Wilson.
Review and approval of minutes from the October 7, 2022 meeting
A motion was made by Rachel Wilson seconded by Darcie Miller to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Hecht opened the meeting, announced his retirement and advised the team that Deborah Heppes will be the new Chief Operating Officer and Kerri Stroka as the new Deputy Superintendent.
Darcie Miller expressed her sincere appreciation of Bill’s dedication to the team.
Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
Discussion ensued regarding students with sexually problematic behaviors. There is one practice that specializes in assessment and treatment, Options Counselling. County Training Institute is working towards sponsoring specialized training for additional clinicians. Discussion ensued regarding human trafficking issues – looking for professional development. The county does assessments on the youth through Safe Harbor. Discussion ensued regarding the County Wide training for an Active Shooter. Discussion ensued regarding the perspective of our student reps.
Raise the Lower Age is a focus. Discussion ensued regarding Adopt a Family, Safe School Ambassador Training (Middle & High School).
Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
Discussion ensued regarding RSV, FLU and COVID. The FLU is a major concern this year. Discussion ensued regarding the need for the FLU vaccine. Polio is still in the wastewater. Monkey Pox has dropped. Still working on a TikTok for Health information. Community Health Assessment will be coming out the end of the year. Prices are rising – families struggling everywhere. Many applications have been received for SNAP. Food Banks are increasing. HEAP applications are available over 3700 received. Waiting on the data for Overdose cases. Discussion ensued regarding two events on system of care action planning. Legislative approved the County Budget. At this time Bail Reform will not be changed.
Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
Welcome Orange Orientation Training was provided to new employees in the County. In addition to an overview of Welcome Orange, training was provided on Trauma Informed Care, Stages of Orange and Motivational Interviewing and Peer Support.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
February 3, 2023
Hosted By
Deborah Heppes, Chief Operating Officer
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
October 2022 Minutes
Hosted by
Darcie Miller, Commissioner
Orange County Department of Social Services & Mental Health
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – October 7, 2022
In Attendance:
Brendan Chapman, Mary Dumas, Tim Davidian, Inaudy Esposito, Sarah Hadden, William Hecht, Jackie Lawler, Michael McElduff, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Grace Patel, Frank Sheboy, MaryPat Smith, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
Review and approval of minutes from the May 6, 2022 meeting
A motion was made by Bill Hecht seconded by Darcie Miller to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
Frank Sheboy reported on the backpack program and safe school ambassadors. The need for Social Workers have increased. Satellite Programs are still in the works for some districts as the county is waiting on the licenses. Social Workers have increased within the schools but the County is still in need. The Superintendents are working as a team to help each other in need. Mr. Hecht reviewed the Mental Health Day letter sent to Jason Harmon at the State and read his response. Discussion ensued regarding mental health days. Handle with Care is starting in several schools. Discussion ensued regarding support for faculty and staff. Rachel reported on the Youth Bureau and her connection with the schools. Youth Fairs for volunteerism has been very successful.
Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
Darcie Miller reviewed the Shape Up NY application sent via email. 311 Call Center is available 24/7.
Jackie Lawler provided an update from Dr. Pointer the new Health Commissioner. Flu session has started early this year. Flu B is coming first. Flu and COVID boosters are available. Polio is circulating in Orange County. Monkey Pox is in the community but not a lot. Provided information about the Sexual Coalition that has been created and STI Prevention
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
December 2, 2022
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
May 2022 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht
Via Zoom
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – May 6, 2022
In Attendance:
Leah Canton, Tim Davidian, Inaudy Esposito, William Hecht, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, MaryPat Smith, Angela Turk.
Review and approval of minutes from the April 8, 2022 meeting
A motion was made by Brian Monahan seconded by Darcie Miller to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Approval of 2022/2023 Meeting Calendar with modifications.
Discussion ensued regarding doing future hybrid meetings.
Darcie Miller, Commissioner - Orange County Department of Social Services & Mental Health - Melville Conference Room, 30 Harriman Drive - Goshen, NY 10924, will host October 7th.
Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
Discussion ensued regarding mental health days for the students as an excused absence.
Mr. Hecht shared a letter with the team to be sent to Mr. Jason Harmon, Deputy Commissioner for P-12 Operational Support. The team reviewed and agreed to send the letter forward. Karyn Meier agreed to bring it forward to NYSSBA as a possible resolution.
Discussion ensued regarding the impact of the student calendar and the need for the students to have a winter break for resetting purposes. Discussion ensued that Mental Health days are important for everyone. Suggestions to the letter can be sent back to Sharleen and the final letter will go out on May 13th.
Discussion ensued regarding edibles and drugs with the youth and within the schools. Social emotional learning is very powerful. Our students, our kids need prevention awareness. ADAC referrals are increasing.
Discussion ensued regarding the opioids settlement fund.
Discussion ensued regarding the recovery movement.
Discussion ensued regarding having a conversation in the summer with the schools and county members to discuss future prevention. Mr. Hecht will discuss with the Superintendents at their next meeting and bring Darcie to the meeting.
Discussion ensued regarding Raise the Age.
Discussion ensued regarding a 0 to 5 Population Forum.
It is Mental Health Month & Teacher Appreciation. Voices United for Change Walk is this weekend. Youth Bureau - on June 9th County Executive Awards @ SUNY Orange - no luncheon.
Inaudy will be working with the Newcomers Program. Mr. Hecht shared what the program is all about. Inaudy provided that there will be a program for Juneteenth.
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
October 7, 2022
Hosted By
Darcie Miller, Commissioner - Orange County Department of Social Services & Mental Health OCDMH - Melville Conference Room 30 Harriman Drive - Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
April 2022 Minutes
Hosted by
MaryPat Smith
Youth in Government Day
Orange County Government Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – April 8, 2022
In Attendance:
Brendan Chapman, Tim Davidian, Inaudy Esposito, William Hecht, Darcie Miller, Steve Neuhaus,
Dr. Frank Sheboy, MaryPat Smith, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Kimberly Vanhaaster, Rachel Wilson.
6 Students Attended on behave of Youth in Government Day.
Review and approval of minutes from the February 4, 2022 meeting
A motion was made by MaryPat Smith seconded by Frank Sheboy to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Via Zoom - County Executive Steve Neuhaus addressed the group from his location in Europe and National Guard deployment to assist with efforts related to the war in Ukraine. He provided an overview of his responsibilities and the work that is being done.
Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
Discussion ensued regarding the Special Student Session of the OC Legislature related to the Social Host Law and adding language that would include drugs and marijuana. The current law just speaks to alcohol and parties.
Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
Discussion ensued regarding drug use by students and recent overdoses in Orange County high schools. It is believed that students use drugs due to the following: stress, anxiety, coping mechanisms, mental health issues, self-medication and as part of their socialization.
As part of the mental health discussion the point of adults and students needing a mental health day to deal with all the stress they are under. A motion was made to make a request to the State Education Department to consider mental health as an excused absence from school. County Team will draft a letter to SED for review at our May meeting.
Rachel Wilson briefed the group on the Summer Youth Program.
Darcie Miller introduced Brendan Chapman to the Team as the student representative.
Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
MaryPat Smith spoke about Think Differently Day - which encourages everyone to think about those individuals who may be different. It encourages people to be more inclusive. She highlighted the movie Peanut Butter Falcon which promotes a more open, inclusive, accepting environment.
Discussion ensued on the option of holding meetings next school year with a remote option to allow for more participation. It was also suggested that we allow for all virtual. We will discuss further at our May meeting.
A motion was made to add a Virtual Meeting on May 6 at 9:30am. We will use a Zoom Platform created by OUBOCES.
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
May 6, 2022
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Via Zoom Meeting
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
February 2022 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Onken Conference Center
Orange-Ulster BOCES
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – Feb. 8, 2022
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, William Hecht, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk.
Review and approval of minutes from the December 3, 2021 meeting
A motion was made by Brian Monahan seconded Mary Dumas by to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Hecht congratulated Mr. Conflitti on his retirement and provided him with a BOCES challenge coin.
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
Bill Hecht - commented on a conference he and Darcie attended with the State Commissioners regarding the pandemic effects on our students and community.
Darcie Miller - followed up with her perspective on the meeting. They shared what they are doing in Orange County as a team.
Discussion ensued regarding the different programs throughout the schools and community. The Resiliency Program has been highlighted.
Brian Monahan - commented on the impact on the students and staff. The mixed messaging is hard regarding the masks.
Discussion ensued regarding the mask mandates are it relates to the neighboring states. The variety of variants and the impact on the staff and students.
Angela Turk - shared information about the variety of programs being held through the Youth Bureau.
Kerri Stroka - shared that we will be holding Odyssey of the Mind in person. Students only – no spectators.
Angela Turk – expanding our Mental Health Satellites Clinics. Held an event at Monroe - Erica’s Lighthouse. Educated students on suicide. Shared information about other programs related to Mental Health.
Discussion ensued regarding Mental Health.
Darcie Miller - shared the Mental Health needs for our children with Pediatricians.
Karyn Meier - shared the OCSBA is involved on collaborating with the Legislators. Restorative Justice.
Darcie Miller - shared information regarding Social Services and their assistance to the School Districts.
Discussion ensued regarding Doctors writing notes for kids to stay on remote. It has become an issue for the Schools.
Robert Conflitti – gun violence is still up. Discussion ensued regarding Raise the Age and Bail Reform.
Mary Dumas – First Saturday in May – Child Mental Health Awareness.
Angela Turk – Shared information on Welcome Orange. Looking for a School Representative for SAYART.
Angela Turk – Discussion ensued regarding Connecting the Dots. Angela has offered for the County to organize and BOCES will provide a representative.
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
April 8, 2022
Hosted By
MaryPat Smith
Youth & Government Day
OC Government Center (3rd Floor)
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
2021 Minutes
December 2021 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Onken Conference Center
Orange-Ulster BOCES
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – Dec. 3, 2021
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, William Hecht, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Dr. Frank Sheboy, Angela Turk, Kimberly Vanhaaster, Rachel Wilson.
Review and approval of minutes from the October 1, 2021 meeting
A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded Dr. Frank Sheboy by to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
Discussion ensued regarding hosting a mental health team for obtaining resources to help each other in schools and the county. Multiply incidents for calling Mental Mobile Health. Students and staff are being affected by the pandemic. Violence in the communities – looking for options to keep the students safe. Boots on the grounds with counselors, social workers and psychologists is the way to go. The safety net for our students is our staff. A lot about fear and depression. Family counseling is needed. Connecting the Dots was the boots on the ground. The Superintendent’s make the decisions. Safe School Ambassador is still going on in the Districts – students are thriving doing this training. Increase of youth for volunteering. Peace and solutions is what has been provided and needed. Gun violence is up – raise the age and bail reform came at the same time. Welcome Orange is today. Mr. Hecht provided a handout regarding a support system for students who need tutoring. Mr. Hecht provided the Legislative priorities from the Orange School Board Association.
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
February 4, 2022
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Onken Conference Center
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
October 2021 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Via Google Meet
Orange-Ulster BOCES
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – October 1, 2021
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Inaudy Esposito, Dr. Irina Gelman, William Hecht, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Dr. Pedro Roman, Dr. Frank Sheboy, MaryPat Smith, Angela Turk, Tiffany Niles.
- Review and approval of minutes from the April 9, 2021 meeting
A motion was made by Mr. Monahan seconded by Dr. Sheboy to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
- Approved 2021/2022 Meeting Calendar
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
Tiffany Niles shared information about the Youth Bureau’s upcoming events.
Dr. Roman shared information about keeping kids in schools; Superintendent Hearings are up; kids are struggling trying to close the gap; attentive to the needs of our staff. Dr. Sheboy, Mr. Hecht and Mr. Monahan agreed to the same issues. Dr. Sheboy thanked the County for their assistance. Mr. Monahan shared that busing is a huge issue regarding quarantining and the 6ft rule, shared concern regarding the TikTok craze. Mr. Hecht shared concern of the busing issue (not enough drivers). Darcie Miller shared the importance of getting the kids back in the routine of being back at school - structure is key. The social emotional piece is so important. Handle with Care is the School District & Law Enforcement working together. Project Hope is available until December by dialing 311 (24/7). Reach out if anyone needs help with training staff. No child goes without help. MaryPat Smith shared information about Think Differently Initiative - embrace those who are different. Dr. Gelman shared the number of cases across Orange County is about a 100 cases per day. Testing of wastewater for the virus. If the virus status changes to an endemic, discussion ensued what would that mean for the schools (tracking of clusters and outbreaks will be track). Would like the telehealth to continue with the School Districts. Discussion ensued regarding the Federal Funds to help the schools in Orange County. Robert Conflitti shared the uptick on gun violence due to Raise the Age and Bail Reform. Gap in the statute of limitations for a child who reaches 18. Discussion ensued regarding the legalization of marijuana.
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
Angela Turk shared that they are active in four schools for satellite clinics. More funding for the children who have mental health issues. Angela asked who would be the contact for Connecting the Dots? Inaudy Esposito asked about CRT/DEI. The Superintendents shared what their schools are doing including the Superintendent’s Group as a whole. Inaudy shared that she is here to support and come to the schools if needed. Discussion ensued about Students today Teachers Tomorrow Program. Angela Turks shared that an orientation for Welcome Orange will be coming soon
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
December 3, 2021
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Onken Conference Center or Virtual via Google Meet
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
April 2021 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Via Google Meet
Orange-Ulster BOCES
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – April 9, 2021
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, William Hecht, Brian Monahan, Kimberly Vanhaaster, Tiffany Niles, Angela Turk.
Review and approval of minutes from the March 5, 2021 meeting
A motion was made by R. Conflitti seconded K. Vanhaaster by to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
2021/2022 Meeting Calendar
The meeting schedule was reviewed and approved.
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
R. Conflitti – Spoke about the new law legalizing marijuana in New York State and the negative impact it will have on our communities and our schools.
Discussion ensued and the team members agreed that this should be a focus for County Team in the coming school year. It was proposed that we:
* Review policies/procedures surrounding this new law
* Focus on Prevention, Awareness and Education.
The concern is easier access for minors.
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
Discussion ensued regarding the social and emotional needs as a result of the Pandemic.
A. Turk – Spoke about making this a priority as many students who have been isolated return to in person instruction. We will need to provide more support to our students, schools and communities.
B. Hecht – Shared with the team that Darcie and Angela will attend the next Superintendent’s meeting on April 23rd to review the social, emotional and mental health resources that are available.
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
October 1, 2021
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Location TBD (Virtual or In-Person
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
March 2021 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Via Google Meet
Orange-Ulster BOCES
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – March 5, 2021
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Caleb Garver, William Hecht, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Madisen Pena, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, Kerri Stroka, Rachel Wilson, Jenna Brenner.
Review and approval of minutes from the January 8, 2021 meeting
A motion was made by R. Conflitti seconded by F. Sheboy to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was carried.
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
Student Introduction:
Madisen Pena - Minisink - introduced herself; junior at Minisink.
Caleb Garver - Chester - introduced himself; senior at Chester.
Jenna Brenner - intern at the Youth Bureau; student from the Mount.
Student’s Perspective
- Caleb shared his perspective of remote learning and feeling safe coming back to school.
R. Conflitti – Introduced himself and shared what the District Attorney’s office does to help with the communities. Shared information on two new programs; Pre-Arrest Diversion Program and The Rebound Program. Shared information regarding Truancy Issues. Discussion ensued.
M. Dumas – Introduced herself and shared how the Family Support Programs help.
C. Garver - Shared his perspective of attending school remotely and feels safe returning to school.
K. Meier – Introduced herself and shared what the OCSBA does. Shared that the wellbeing of students and staff is a concern.
Darcie M. – Introduced herself and shared all the services offered by the County.
Provided her perspective on Truancy. Contact our staff if you need help. Shared information about Project Hope call 311. The Child Advocacy Center - Ribbon Cutting is in April.
T. Reynolds – Introduced herself and shared information about testing from the state. Working closing with Mental Health Department and other programs provided by the county to assist our students who are struggling.
F. Sheboy – Introduced himself and shared that social and emotional needs of their students is a big concern. Opening sports has helped.
K. Stroka – Shared that Social Media has become an issue for many.
R. Wilson – Introduced herself and shared what the Youth Bureau does. Shared that a lot is going on - No Luncheon for the Youth Bureau Program however will be presenting virtually from LEGOLAND and other areas in the County. Please nominate this year although it is virtual. Summer Youth Employment was released yesterday. See our Facebook Page for further information.
J. Brenner - Shared the College Perspective based on what they do to make the students feel safe.
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
M. Dumas – Shared that the Voices United for Change Walk will happen in May - no decision on virtual or in person yet.
B. Hecht – Shared an update about school budgets related to Economic Security. Shared information about school staff needing vaccines - a list was compiled and sent to the Commissioner of Health.
Darcie M. – Shared information about the backpack program and the increase to the food expense. Feeding hungry people is important to the County Executive. Shared information about the call center - staff working on a/b schedule. HEAP is still available. All applications are done online.
F. Sheboy – Shared an update about the school budget. Shared the importance of the backpack program (thank you to the county).
R. Wilson – Funding for the Youth Bureau Programs related to Economic Security. Less funding this year from the County and State.
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
April 9, 2021
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Via Google Meet
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
2020 Minutes
November 2020 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Via Google Meet
Orange-Ulster BOCES
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – Nov. 6, 2020
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Pedro Roman, Terry Reynolds, Angela Turk, Kimberly Vanhaaster, Rachel Wilson.
Terry Reynolds shared that Mr. Hecht is in the Newburgh City School District today meeting with the Commissioner and Regent Wills. Pedro Roman shared some information related to the visit.
Review and approval of minutes from the October 2, 2020 meeting
A motion was made by Brian Monahan seconded by Pedro Roman to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was unanimously carried.
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
R. Conflitti – Shared that the Court System is working reasonably well from where we are.
K. Meier – Provided an update on OCSBA - related to substance use and abuse.
B. Monahan – Provided information about his district and the surrounding districts being closed. Shared how his district is participating in sports with social distancing. Kudo’s to his staff for doing an amazing job.
P. Roman – Shared how amazing his teachers and administrators are working during this time.
T. Reynolds – Shared that our teachers and administrators are doing an amazing job during these crazy times.
A. Turk – Mental Health is up and working in our schools. If school districts are interested in Virtual Mental Health - we have a grant - let Angela know.
K. Vanhaaster – Shared information on Juvenile Justice - large number of cases and moving nicely. Court system has changed a lot for us.
R. Wilson – Shared information about Safe School Ambassadors and how it’s working during these times. Shared information on Friends of Orange County. Waiting on the 2020-21 Awards. In regards to Emergency Responders we are hoping to do awareness in December. The State has starting releasing funding for the Youth Bureau. Working on Virtual Health Fair for the Schools.
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
I. Esposito – Focusing on hosting virtual programs on antisemitism and hatred. They have been recorded and on the Orange County Government website.
Darcie M. – Reported on Project Hope focused on COVID (Virtual and In-Person Work) - for Schools & the Community will be available 24/7 - supporting teachers, students, and loss of parent through COVID.
A. Turk – Mental Health was awarded a grant for - Project Hope.
K. Vanhaaster – DSS is our client and they are exceptional. The work that is going on behind the scenes is incredible. Case workers have gone above and beyond.
R. Wilson – Gave an update on Think Differently.
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
R. Conflitti – Shared that the Child Advocacy Center is very important.
M. Dumas – Voices United for Change - Planning the Annual Walk in May.
Darcie M. – Provided an update on the Child Advocacy Center.
A. Turk – Children’s Sub Committee for Welcome Orange - organizing a virtual provider’s event for children’s advisors.
K. Vanhaaster – Reported on the Child Advocacy Center. The tour will be next week by the State to see if we are ready.
R. Wilson – Reported on the self-response rate for the Orange County 2020 Census.
4) Future Agenda Items:
Youth & Government Day - In-Person or Virtual
Possible Zoom Meeting Next Time.
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
Jan. 8, 2021
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Via Google Meet
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
October 2020 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Via Google Meet
Orange-Ulster BOCES
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – Oct. 2, 2020
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, William Hecht, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Pedro Roman, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, MaryPat Smith, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
Review and approval of minutes from the Jan. 17, 2019 meeting
A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded by Kerri Stroka to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Hecht welcomed everyone back. He provided a brief summary about bringing the students back.
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
B. Hecht – Shared that our CTE students are attending in a Hybrid model. Shared that our lead Administrators across the County have been meeting since March collaborating. It’s been a challenge feeding children & educating virtually. We are dealing with things on a daily basis we never have before. We are here to protect our children.
Across the State Re-opening of Schools:
19-20% - In person
64-65% - Hybrid
16-17% - Remote
K. Meier – Reported briefly on the OCSBA meeting - funding was a big concern.
P. Roman – Shared that in-person will begin on Oct 5th. Special Ed students will be transitioned in. Initially we were unable to make contact with 1200 of our students, now it is down to 200. We are continuing to support our students and families in every way. We have Virtual hubs throughout the district. Great partnerships with the County.
T. Reynolds – Shared that the collaboration among the district administrators across Orange County has been amazing. Commended the Superintendents for moving forward on the Educational Equity. BOCES is focusing on professional development on equity. Very robust plan for the year. ADAC Coordinator has been sharing with our schools. Red Ribbon is in October and Monroe-Woodbury is hosting.
F. Sheboy – Shared that his district is remote till Oct 6th. Some of our decision have been difficult. 14% of our children are selecting for remote. Shared that his district provided adversity & equity training for faculty and staff. Thanked the County Executive for his support of our Back Pack Program. We have a scheduled Narcan Training on 10/10.
K. Stroka – Shared that our Special Ed children attend 5 days a week in-person. Very important to have our children face to face.
R. Wilson– Reported on the County Executive’s Award Program which is on the website. The luncheon scheduled for the Spring is under discussion. Youth Bureau Emerging Leader Conference - we still have the grant and will be working to create a virtual conference or videos to use in the classroom. Partnering with Ramapo Catskill Library - for resume writing and the different jobs that are available. Will be reaching out to schools for emergency responders - our goal is a one stop shopping. (Anyone who is interested). Schools partner with different agencies (some non-profits are closing). Funding is hurting all of our programs, the state is withholding 20%.
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
Darcie M. – Reported on Welcome Orange - statistically Mental Health is up; many concerns for the wellness of people. We all are part of the miracles. Incredible amount of work done by the schools to continue to feed our families during the pandemic. The strength across our community is amazing. Spoke about the Program “Think Differently”. The Orange County Crisis Line is 311. Text for Teen Line. Child Abuse calls went up - provided a campaign to assist. The wellness and safety of our children is our priority. SNAP is still available. Housing stability program - due to eviction when the moratorium is over. Homelessness will increase.
A. Turk – Will be sending some flyers to share - having eyes on the kids is so important. Many services are still virtual; we are starting to see families in person. Spoke about Suicide Prevention - virtual training is available.
R. Wilson – Reported on the use of Text for Teens to reach out to the students.
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
B. Hecht – We are in constant contact with the Health Department. We follow all the guidelines and we should not be in the same situation as last March. We are doing our best to protect our bubble.
F. Sheboy – The magic number of a 9% infection rate for the region will determine the closing of our schools according to the Governor.
MP. Smith – I will extend the appreciation to the County Executive and he appreciates and supports all of you. (School Districts & County). The County Executive’s Budget Presentation is on the website.
K. Stroka – Reported on the contact tracing sheets we use in our buildings and how this helps Dr. Gelman to determine whether to close or isolate.
4) Future Agenda Items:
County Team Meeting Schedule 2020-2021 to be share with the team.
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
Links shared at today’s meeting via google chat:
Virtual County Executive's Awards:
Think Differently Orange County's Facebook page
Choose Love Movement
Coping Recourses
County Exec's Budget presentation
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
Nov. 6, 2020
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Via Google Meet
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
January 2020 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, District Superintendent
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Administration Conference Room A
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – January 17, 2020
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, William Hecht, Chrislyne Nunez-Donald, Pedro Roman, Frank Sheboy, MaryPat Smith, Angela Turk, Kimberly Vanhaaster, Rachel Wilson.
Review and approval of minutes from the November 1, 2019 meeting
A motion was made by R. Conflitti seconded by F. Sheboy to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
1) Presentation – Stephanie Marquesano
CODA Co-Occurring Disorders Awareness
Stephanie presented on the Harris Project and provided printed resources for the team.
Discussion ensued regarding the criminal justice system and substance abuse treatment system.
Discussion ensued about spreading the word at the next Superintendent’s meeting.
Discussion ensued about spreading the word through the coalition.
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
B. Hecht – reported that at the OCSBA meeting they showed the Resilience film to the group.
C. Nunez-Donald – shared how CODA could help students.
F. Sheboy – shared how the OCSBA team responded to the Resilience film.
A. Turk – shared the change in the eco system and shared information about the status of the call center. Provided an update on the mental health clinics within the schools.
Discussion ensued about the importance of CODA and how we can have a single point of access. The Flu season is here, if your sick stay home.
I. Esposito – shared information about the Flu and the related deaths.
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
I. Esposito – reported on the Cultural Equity Task force meeting which is held the 4th Tuesday every other month.
B. Hecht – reported that Cultural Diversity is now on the Superintendents agenda.
F. Sheboy – reported that diversity is a standard topic on the Superintendent’s agenda and the importance of it.
A. Turk – reported that the planning has begun for the mental awareness walk – May 2nd.
4) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
I. Esposito – reported that Washingtonville and MW schools are doing great work providing education related to diversity. Hoping to do diversity training this summer for all districts.
B. Hecht – reported on the Graduation Measures Forum from NYS.
F. Sheboy – reported on his Parent University sessions and the upcoming Graduation Measures forum.
K. Vanhaaster – legislative changes for the youth – all JD cases will go to diversion first. Reported on the changes to PINS.
R. Wilson – reported about the Grant for the IDA. Emergency responders are needed, looking to do recruitment through the school districts. Working with the Ramapo Catskill Library – resources are available for teachers.
5) Future Agenda Items:
6) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
April 3, 2020
Hosted By
Mary Pat Smith, Assistant to the County Executive
Orange County Government Center
County Executive’s Conference Room
3rd Floor
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
2019 Minutes
- November 2019 Minutes
- September 2019 Minutes
- May 2019 Minutes
- April 2019 Minutes
- January 2019 Minutes
November 2019 Minutes
Hosted by
William Hecht, District Superintendent Orange-Ulster BOCES
CTEC Building – Round Room
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – November 1, 2019
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Michael Ventre, William Hecht, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Chrislyne Nunez-Donald, Karyn Meier, Pedro Roman, Terry Reynolds, Rob Sassi, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
Guests: Chris Ashman, John Kane, Bill Bassett, Susan Murray-Tetz, Dr. Jean Hudson.
Review and approval of minutes from the September 6, 2019 meeting
A motion was made by R. Conflitti, seconded by B. Hecht, to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was unanimously carried.
1) County Team History – “Celebrating Our Achievements”
Former County Team Members Chris Ashman, John Kane, Bill Bassett, Susan Murray-Tetz, and Dr. Jean Hudson attended the meeting to provide history of the County Team and “Celebrating Our Achievements”. Mr. Bassett shared the history of County Team, how it began and all of the achievements. Mr. Ashman contributed to the history of County Team. He shared that whatever the need was, big or small they were achieved. Dr. Hudson shared the importance of her connections to the County Team. Mr. Kane shared that many of the programs he was involved in are still in existence. (Crisis Team). Discussion ensued about how important these programs are.
2) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
M. Dumas – Voices United for Change – Annual Walk first Saturday in May.
K. Meier – Resilience Film will be hosted by OCSBA.
Darcie M. – Commented on Welcome Orange and how we integrate services. Shared information about CODA. Shared the effectiveness of the Resilience Film.
A. Turk – Welcome Orange Charter has been finalized.
3) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
R. Wilson/T. Niles – Youth Bureau: Adopt-A-Family for the Holidays - please contact Rachel at the Youth Bureau. Youth Adult Summit will be held in July @ Kuhl’s. Work Readiness: Emerging Leaders Youth Conference will be held in November for about 145 students. Information will be provided on resume writing and social media influences. United Way is still going strong.
R. Conflitti – Nothing has changed since last month regarding Raise the Age. Biggest challenge is discovery reform. Criminal behavior between 16 and 17 year olds is different. Discussion ensued regarding the bail reform.
B. Hecht – Shared information provided at the NYSSBA Convention – regarding physical and mental strain related to cyber-attacks.
Darcie M. – Spoke about the County Executive’s Program “Thinks Differently”. In regards to the PINS legislation changes - we are very successful. Raise the Age/PINS – “Our Vision” - looking to have calls coming to one location.
B. Monahan – CoreBTS did a presentation about cyber-attacks to the districts.
P. Roman – Looking to create an intervention system within the district to support the students and programs that are available. Tier systems of support.
T. Reynolds – Election Day next week is our Conference Day, we have several participants from around the county. Shared a flyer about Vaping.
K. Stroka – School to Work Grant awarded to BOCES for students with Special Needs (Amy’s Kitchen, Legoland, OC Board of Elections).
A. Turk – What is available in Children Services – having one number would be helpful.
4) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
Discussion ensued regarding the Vaping issue. How to identify the products. Discussion ensued regarding legalization of marijuana. Discussion ensued that marketing is affecting the decisions of our students.
B. Hecht – resolutions were put forth regarding vaping at the NYSSBA Convention. The Superintendents have met with Dr. Gelman regarding measles.
K. Stroka – Schools are addressing all of the issues and then they teach.
5) Future Agenda Items:
6) Upcoming Events - Sharing
The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
January 17, 2020
Hosted By William J. Hecht, District Superintendent Orange-Ulster BOCES
Administration Conference Room A
53 Gibson Road Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
September 2019 Minutes
Hosted by William Hecht, District Superintendent, Orange-Ulster BOCES
Administration Conference Room A
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Friday – September 6, 2019
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Kathy Gill, William Hecht, Karyn Meier, Brian Monahan, Chrislyne Nunez-Donald, Pedro Roman, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
Review and approval of minutes from the May 3, 2019 meeting
A motion was made by R. Wilson seconded by R. Conflitti to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Hecht shared that he met with a few of the former County Team members who expressed their desire to attend a future meeting. Mr. Hecht will arrange their attendance at the County Team on Nov 1st meeting.
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
R. Conflitti – Raise the Age - not much to report and not a lot of cases. Effective last week – decriminalizing marijuana.
B. Hecht – BOCES is assisting MW with their cyber-attack.
K. Meier – OCSBA will be rolling out the Resilience Film.
B. Monahan – Expressed how vulnerable our school districts are with cyber-attacks. Everyone works together.
C. Nunez-Donald – Shared that she enjoys being a part of County Team.
P. Roman – Sharing some works of Newburgh School District as the Equity Officer. Creating a Welcome Center to provide access and resources in one location. Relaunching of My Brother’s Keeper in October.
T. Reynolds – Mental Health focus this year – Restorative Justice. New Leadership Doctorate Program.
F. Sheboy – Rachel’s Challenge this year; Red Ribbon Week. Creating a District-Wide Equity Plan.
A. Turk – DSS will expand some services. Upcoming PINS changes related to funding.
R. Wilson– Preparing Mental Health program for MW. Shared that a Civil Service test for the YB is available. Look at our Facebook page for updated programs. Summer Youth Government Program. Ten students per school district for the Emerging Leader Youth Conference on Nov 20th. Also hosting an evening youth program on November 20th.
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
K. Gill – Asked about the effects of the measles issues in the schools.
B. Hecht – Shared information regarding the measles updates.
B. Monahan – Shared information regarding the measles impact on Minisink. Discussion ensued regarding the measles impact on the Districts.
T. Reynolds – Provided information related to the measles and home schooling.
F. Sheboy – Shared information about an event he shared with Senator Skoufis. HFFM needs more county programs to come to their community to provide services.
A. Turk – HOPE Starts Here flyer handed out – new program (Orange County Crisis Call Center). The Center will help all. Reminder – monthly training for Suicide Prevention – call if you need training. Working hard on the change of the ECO System. Dolores will be retiring and we are looking for her replacement. She will still be an advocate at the state level. Expanding a clinic to Monroe-Woodbury. Text4Teens is 24/7. New programs funded by Medicaid – provider meeting in October.
R. Wilson– Change to Welcome Orange – available for all with disabilities. Our new program is Think Differently; it helps address all issues.
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
K. Gill – Voices United for Change will provide services for anyone who needs it. Looking for youth on our board.
C. Nunez-Donald – Would like to be a part of Voices United for Change.
A. Turk – Provided a flyer on Mid-Hudson Problem Gambling Resource Center. Welcome Orange is on September 13th.
4) Future Agenda Items:
History of County
Team Vaping
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
November 1, 2019
Hosted By William J. Hecht, District Superintendent, Orange-Ulster BOCES
CTEC Building – Round Room
53 Gibson Road Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
May 2019 Minutes
Hosted By
Frank Sheboy, Superintendent of Schools Highland Falls/Fort Montgomery School District
James I. O’Neill High School
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – May 3, 2019
In Attendance:
Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Michael Ventre, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Chrislyne Nunez-Donald, Terry Reynolds,Frank Sheboy, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the April 5, 2019 meeting.
A motion was made by B. Monahan seconded by K. Meier to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Review of 2019-2020 Meeting Calendar “Options” & Host Selections. Discussion ensued regarding the option of going quarterly but keeping the structure and collaboration. The need of this team is important. Discussion also ensued regarding changing the meeting time to 9:30 – 11:30. A motion was made by Dr. Sheboy and seconded by B. Monahan to change our meetings to quarterly or possibly five (5) meetings and changing the time to 9:30 – 11:30 for the 2019-2020 meeting schedule. OUBOCES has agreed to host Sept, Nov, & Jan. The County will host the April meeting. The motion was unanimously carried.
Highland Falls/Fort Montgomery – Safe School Ambassadors. Three Students from HFFM shared their experiences as being Safe School Ambassadors and the impact it has had on them. Each student shared their story of what being a Safe School Ambassadors means to them. The team asked the students several questions.
1) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
M. Dumas –The annual walk is tomorrow at 9 am .
I. Esposito – Discussion ensued on how to reach out to those undocumented.
K. Meier – Discussion ensued regarding those who need and who may be afraid to ask.
Darcie M. – Discussion ensued regarding family food needs for the summer. SNAP benefits are available to all.
F. Sheboy – Pastors and Ministers messages in dual languages may help.
A. Turk – Our next Welcome Orange is on Sept 11, 2019 located at the Training Center in New Hampton. Discussion ensued regarding family food needs for the summer.
R. Wilson – House of Worship can help spread the word.
2) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
Darcie M. – HFFM School Ambassadors were excellent. How does the School District Staff get involved in the programs? Everyone has a story.
B. Monahan – Winding down time for the students graduation & colleges. Sr. Ball and J. Prom. Reenactment of a car crash was very powerful using our students. Uncommon Athletic is very powerful and now be offering to our Middle School students. New clubs are started all the time.
T. Reynolds – Connecting the Dots Meeting on May 7th will host The Resilience Movie. OUBOCES Administration Conference Center. Restorative Justice training is complete and was very successful over 34 were trained. Discussion ensued about how the restorative justice changes the structure of the buildings.
F. Sheboy – Last parent university session – families that host loss the most. School budget votes are coming. Exercise your right. Uncommon Athletic is still very powerful. Rachel’s Challenge will be next year. The District Attorney has been supportive.
A. Turk – Safe School Ambassadors is very successful.
R. Wilson – The recertification for SSA is very expensive.
K. Meier – The Resilience Movie will be shown at a future OCSBA meeting.
A. Turk – An out Patient Clinic is now open at the Middletown Schools and started an application for Cornwall.
3) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
I. Esposito – Human Rights will be hosting 2 trainings on Human Trafficking and Age Discrimination. Discussion ensued on Racism Training to be held in the Newburgh Area. Flyers to go out next week. Discussion ensued regarding culture shifts.
M. Ventre – Discussion ensued regarding the Vamping issue. Measles letter was sent to all School Districts. 23 cases in Orange County. Vaccinations are very important.
K. Meier – Discussion ensued regarding Administration is looking for candidates from diverse backgrounds.
Darcie M. – Announces that Access is now open in Middletown, Newburgh – walk in service. C. Nunez-Donald – Discussion ensued about Administration from diverse backgrounds.
F. Sheboy – Discussion ensued about too much screen time. Administration is looking for candidates from diverse backgrounds.
A. Turk – This is Mental Health Month – many programs will be happening.
R. Wilson– OC Youth Bureau Luncheon – please respond it you would like to come. YB is looking to collaborate with EMT for community service and future careers in those fields. Shared information about a panel she was on for screen time on the phone. The statistic’s on screen time was troubling.
4) Future Agenda Items:
T. Reynolds – Youth Risk Survey will be ready in September.
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
September 6, 2019
William J. Hecht, District Superintendent
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Administration Conference Room
53 Gibson Road Goshen, NY 10924
April 2019 Minutes
Youth & Government Day
Hosted By
Mary Pat Smith, Assistant to the County Executive
County Executive’s Conference Room
Orange County Government Center
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – April 5, 2019
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Bob Deitrich for Irina Gelman, William Hecht, Karyn
Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Frank Sheboy, MaryPat Smith, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk,
Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the January 4, 2019 meeting
A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded by Frank Sheboy to approve the minutes as
amended. The motion was unanimously carried.
1) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
1. Youth and Family Services Directory
R. Wilson – New directories available. Passed around. There are many more, if you need any
more, we can provide them. Thank you to Social Services for printing costs reasonable. Section
in the back for job readiness that is new this year providing resources to our youth. Also added
the community foundation who offer many scholarships.
2. 2020 Census: Orange County Complete Count Committee
R. Wilson – Youth Bureau partnering with Ramapo Catskill Library System as well as
planning dept in the County and the County Exec. to create a committee/work group that will
work to ensure the census is done accurately. It impacts the funding to the Youth Bureau.
Trying to find the communities that are not counted well and focus on those areas. The
committee will be county focused and providing support to those communities that need it.
R. Conflitti – Concerned that it could be a significant difference.
I. Esposito – This committee is very important because it will dispel the myths regarding the
census so that those community members that may be fearful of completing it.
B. Dietrich – 30% of the people did not participate in the census.
F. Sheboy – Shared with the students that the census is used to determine the number of
congressional seats.
M.P. Smith – Heard that the census count in Newburgh (response rate) is 57%.
3. Youth Workforce Preparation Committee updates
a. Summer Youth Government Immersion Programs
R. Wilson – It is like an internship…but it is not. You will receive more information in the
lunch meeting today. If any of the departments in the room are interested in participating
please let the YB know.
b. Emerging Leaders Conference planning
R. Wilson– First conference in November. Held at the YMCA in Huguenot. 6 or 7 schools
attended. Workshops on presenting your best self as well as mock interviews. Working
collaboratively with BOCES and the IDA -The Accelerator to offer again next November.
c. Work Readiness grant through Friends of the Orange County Youth Bureau
R. Wilson – From the IDA – The Accelerator. 16 students are currently taking a babysitting
readiness as one of the programs with this grant. Highland Falls Girl Scout troop that has been
asking so they are working on adding that. There will be 4 sites in total for this
component. The Ramapo Catskill Library System is also providing work readiness 7 session
workshops in Washingtonville, Chester, Cornwall, and Marlboro School Districts.
R. Conflitti – The uncommon athlete is back next week Minisink and Highland Falls are
hosting it. For the first time we are inviting the Middle School. 6th graders will be attending in
Minisink who are athletes. Highland Falls was invited to bring the 6th graders as well.
B. Hecht – Civic Readiness…he represents the Commissioner on this task force. What is civic
readiness and how do students demonstrate it? They are looking to do something similar to
this Youth in Government Day. They will make a recommendation to the Commissioner and
the Board of Regents in September.
F. Sheboy – There is a huge push on addressing ACES, adverse childhood experiences. It is a
major topic for education and mental health etc. May 9th there is a symposium. Thank Darcie
for leading it in the County. We seem to be ahead of the curve.
Darcie M. – Was at the National Conference last week. Spoke of how ACES impacts your life.
As a County we partnered with Cornell Cooperative to create Trauma Informed Environments.
Spoke to the importance of building relationships and those connections make the difference in
the lives of children. We have 380-400 children in foster care who are very vulnerable. Movie
Resilience: So powerful.
K. Meier - Spoke about the importance of providing another avenue of awareness through a
forum/education session with the Orange County Board Members.
I. Esposito – Tough Topics: ask for schools to let us in to teach teachers how to teach tough
topics to the students or to engage in conversations that are challenging.
R. Conflitti: Mock Trial is upcoming on Saturday at Orange-Ulster BOCES. Bob shared his
thoughts on who should not win
2) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
Darcie M. – Honor who runs the runaway youth center. They were asked to move out of their
building by May 1st. They will be moving in to a new building on the grounds.
Assemblywoman A. Gunther facilitated this happening advocating to move this to a solution on
behalf of Honor. Orange County Crisis Call Center: We have made a commitment to redesign
our services. We are looking to expand to include all behavior health (substance abuse issues
as well as Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities). We have co located our call center with
our 911 center. 911 will collaborate with the Crisis Call Center for a coordinated response.
Health Department has received funding that they have put in to support the call center as
well. Receiving approx. $2M from a collaborative effort with Columbia University and
Montefiore that will be put into the community as well as hire a coordinator and
epidemiologist. Focused on reducing the opioid overdose by 40%. Discussion ensued on
opioid crisis in Orange County. Darcie is looking to form a group to determine why our
adolescents are not accessing our drug treatment resources since we know there is still use,
abuse and addiction. If any of the youth or schools would like to participate should reach out
to Darcie Miller. How can we as systems help parents?
Child Advocacy Center: We are one of 6 in the State that don’t have a building for this. We
have applied to the State for funding. It would be a comprehensive team with mental health,
law enforcement, legal and medical. Awaiting to see if the funding will be awarded.
B. Monahan & F. Sheboy – Talked about how many presentations they have facilitated and
how many seats were empty.
F. Sheboy – Shared that he will be opening an Alateen program to provide supports at the HF
school district.
M.P. Smith – What about Ben Noell providing pieces of information through his avenue.
Since he is so relevant to them it would be a great way to share information.
K. Stroka – Shared that the RESTART program is at risk due to the lack of enrollment. She
indicated that is clear that there is still a need, however, they are not enrolling.
A. Turk – Access Supports for Living are opening Urgent Care Centers May 1st in Middletown
and Newburgh (federally funded model and it is a pilot). They will be open 7 days a week.
Anyone who has any need can walk in to these centers and an initial assessment will be done
and care for the presenting condition and then they will be connected to care. Same day
medication assisted treatment will also be provided.
3) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
R. Conflitti – Legalization of marijuana (D. Miller posed question). It will soon be part of the
law to allow recreational use. Discussion ensued with student government representatives.
M. Dumas – May 4th will be the Mental Health Awareness Walk. Proceeds support Voices
United for Change
A. Turk – Welcome Orange is included in the booklet provided by the Youth Bureau. On
September 11th there will be another Welcome Orange orientation. Will focus on how to work
with people with complexity. Will be at the Emergency Services Center. On May 14th “No Such
thing as a Bad Kid”…the Mental Health Conference.
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events – Sharing
Inaudy Esposito shared flyer on a conference held on April 30th called A Conference on Sex
Trafficking exploitation, coercion, and slavery.
Bob Deitrich: Last day of National Public Health Week. Fight the bite day…focusing on Lyme
disease. Take precautions and protect yourself. Also, today is climate change day.
Rachel: June 6th, Youth Bureau Awards Luncheon. A little under 90 award winners.
A. Turk: April 24th with Monroe Woodbury for a presentation of the film More Than Sad. Offered
to any school district.
Important numbers to be available to communities
1-800-832-1200 Call Center
1-888-750-2266 Mobile Mental Health (now rolls in to the call center)
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family
representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local
schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and
linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system
which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
May 3, 2019
Hosted By
Frank Sheboy, Superintendent of Schools
Highland Falls/Fort Montgomery School District
James I. O’Neill High School
21 Morgan Road
Highland Falls, NY 10928
January 2019 Minutes
Hosted by
Darcie Miller, Commissioner
Orange County Mental Health & Social Services
OCDMH – Melville Conference Room
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – January 4, 2019
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Irina Gelman, Kathy Gill, Jonathan Grald, William
Hecht, Darcie Miller, Derek Miller, Brian Monahan, Terry Reynolds, Rob Sassi, Angela Turk, Michael
Ventre, Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the December 7, 2018 meeting
A motion was made by R. Conflitti seconded by I. Esposito to approve the minutes as presented
and corrected. The motion was unanimously carried.
Discussion ensued regarding the last meeting related to the Resilience Film. Discussion ensued
about how to develop positive experiences. R. Sassi shared an experience related to ACES and the
Resilience Film. D. Miller provided information related to the impact on the children in the
juvenile justice system. D. Miller provided information regarding pre disposed children of trauma.
1) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
R. Conflitti – Shared information on the Opioid Epidemic. Fentanyl has now become a big
problem. Shared his concern with Legislator Sassi. Provided an update on Raise the Age; total
of nine cases since October.
I. Gelman – Shared information regarding the impact on edibles and the legalization of
recreational drugs.
Discussion ensued regarding Food Trucks in NYC selling edibles.
B. Hecht – Provided information about the Civic Readiness Task Force Team.
Darcie M. – Commented on Welcome Orange.
Derek M. – Shared information regarding the Fentanyl strip. Shared how probation and
raise the age works together.
B. Monahan – Shared the impact of the legalization of drugs in the schools.
Discussion ensued regarding suspension from school vs rehabilitation.
T. Reynolds – Shared information about Welcome Orange and how helpful it is to the school
R. Sassi – Shared information regarding the Opioid Epidemic and Fentanyl issues including
the strip. OC legislation passed a resolution related to these issues. Looking for more ideas on
sending messages to Albany.
A. Turk – Shared that the Welcome Orange is in the Final Draft. Shared information about
what services are available.
2)Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
I. Gelman – Discussion ensued regarding unfunded mandates across the board and
integrating services.
B. Hecht – Discussion ensued regarding the impact of ending grants and the impact after
they end and the fiscal responsibility. Provided information about the Civic Readiness Task
Darcie M. – Introduced Lacey Trimble from Mental Health.
Derek M. – Shared drug laws vs suspensions from school.
T. Reynolds – Shared information about PBIS training.
R. Wilson – Provided information regarding the non-profits working with schools and
providing programs for all. Spoke about Youth & Government Day. Safe School Ambassadors
is doing very well in our County. Discussion ensued regarding the annual training for the
schools through BOCES. Family Youth and Service Directorys will be coming out soon.
Provided information on Youth Bureau Services and the funding. Youth will go to Albany in
3) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
I. Gelman – Seven cases of measles in Orange County. A mailer will go out next week on
vaping. The Flu Season is in full swing. Spoke about Virtual Platform options.
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events – Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family
representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local
schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain comm/fs/resource-manager/view/e67f7824-50c8-422a-b501-7d64e724042funication and
linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system
which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
March 1, 2019
Hosted By
Rachel Wilson, Director
Orange County Youth Bureau
40 Matthews Street, Suite 301C
Goshen, NY 10924
2018 Minutes
December 2018
Hosted by
Dr. Irina Gelman Commissioner
Orange County Department of Health
2nd Floor Conference Room
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – December 7, 2018
In Attendance:
Irina Gelman/Michael Ventre, William Hecht, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Chrislyne Nunez-Donald,
Terry Reynolds, Rob Sassi, MaryPat Smith, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson, Tiffany Niles.
Review and approval of minutes from the November 2, 2018 meeting
A motion was made by T. Reynolds seconded by M.P. Smith to approve the minutes as presented.
The motion was unanimously carried. A. Turk & R. Wilson abstained.
Ms. Julika von Stackelberg - Parenting & Family Life Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension
presented the film Resilience.
1) RESILIENCE – The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope
About the film: The child maynot remember, butthe body remembers.
Researchers have recently discovered a dangerous biological syndrome caused by abuse and
neglect during childhood. As the new documentary Resilience reveals, toxic stress can trigger
hormones that wreak havoc on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk
for disease, homelessness, prison time, and early death. While the broader impacts of poverty
worsen the risk, no segment of society is immune. Resilience, however, also chronicles the dawn
of a movement that is determined to fight back. Trailblazers in pediatrics, education, and social
welfare are using cutting- edge science and field-tested therapies to protect children from the
insidious effects of toxic stress— and the dark legacy of a childhood that no child would
2)Discussion – ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
Discussion ensued regarding the impact of the film and how it could be useful in our county.
There will be a screening of this on December 14th where handouts will be given. The ACEs
study has recently been brought to light although the study was done over 20 years ago. ACEs
can help prevent long term services. Discussion ensued about how to put ACEs into place
throughout our community. Discussion ensued regarding getting virtual access
(parents/schools/physicians). Professional development is a good way of getting this out there.
The following schools have reviewed this film – HFFM, Warwick, Newburgh and Middletown.
The Cornell Cooperative Extension will be hosting a 5 Protective Factors 2 day course (Jan 10 &
11, 2019) – The max is 40 people – contact Julika at 845-344-1234 if you are interested. Also
on March 19, 2019 – Making Healthy Decisions – Building Resilience.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family
representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local
schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and
linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system
which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
January 4, 2019
Hosted By
Darcie Miller, Commissioner
Orange County Mental Health & Social Services
OCDMH – Melville Conference Room
30 Harriman Drive
Goshen, NY 10924
November 2018
Hosted by
William J. Hecht, District Superintendent
Orange-Ulster BOCES
CTEC Building – Round Room
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – November 2, 2018
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Michael Ventre, Ed Forgit, Kathy Gill, Jonathan Grald, William Hecht,
Darcie Miller, Chrislyne Nunez-Donald, MaryPat Smith, Michael Wajda, Tiffany Niles, Lara Morrison.
- Review and approval of minutes from the October 5, 2018 meeting
A motion was made by R. Conflitti seconded by M.P. Smith to approve the minutes as presented.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Hecht opened the meeting and introduced our new student representative – Chrislyne NunezDonald.
1) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
R. Conflitti – Provided information on the statistics of overdoses on drugs that are not illegal.
Darcie M. – Shared information about the movie Resilience - it is powerful. If possible, we
could show it at an upcoming meeting. It will also be shown on Dec 14th at the Emergency
Operation Center. There is a training today on addiction - best practice intervention and
consistent interventions.
2) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
R. Conflitti – Reminder on November 14th – Hate Speech Program.
Discussion ensued about DASA and how students perceive it.
Discussion ensued about a student’s dignity not taken seriously. Restorative Justice Models
are missing. Safe School Ambassadors have a positive impact on the students. Discussion
ensued regarding the bullying issue in Eldred.
K. Gill – Provided a flyer on PEP Talks. Discussion ensued regarding monitoring media use
and content.
E. Forgit – Provided information about their Safe Schools Program and the questions related
to DASA.
L. Morrison – Shared information about the sexting and bullying presentation for just
students and another just for parents. Any age group any type of group.
3) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
R. Conflitti –Provided an update on Raise the Age: Day 32 – 0 felony arrests.
Discussion ensued - this will not last forever.
B. Hecht – Provided the NYSSBA resolutions adopted at the business meeting in October.
Many educational and mental health issues. Provided information about the Foster Care
Transportation Webinar.
Darcie M. – Discussion ensued regarding the Foster Care Tool Kit.
T. Niles – 3 school districts recently participated in Safe School Ambassadors – Families in
need for the holidays. Still have openings for the Nov 27th Emerging Leaders Conference by the
Youth Bureau – students need permission slips (5-6 students per school). Still accepting
registration for the Youth Adult Summit on Nov 28th. Friends of the Orange County Youth
Bureau (OCYB) fund at the Community Foundation received a $15,000 grant from the IDA
(Industrial Development Agency) for 2019. Ramapo Catskill Library System(RCLS) will be
contracted to provide a 7 session work readiness series for an additional 50 students for which
RCLS is going to fund; Child Care Council of OC will be contracted to run four 4 session
Babysitting Courses in four different communities, covering 1st Aid & CPR, activities to do with
young children, & how to market a Babysitting Business; OCYB will also take a more active role
with coordinating volunteer recruitment and job readiness opportunities throughout the
4) Future Agenda Items:
The showing of the film RESILIENCE – The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family
representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local
schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and
linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system
which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
December 7, 2018
Hosted By
Dr. Irina Gelman Commissioner
Orange County Department of Health
2nd Floor Conference Room
124 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
October 2018
Hosted by
Brian Monahan, Superintendent of Schools
Minisink Valley School District - Central Office
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – October 5, 2018
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Jonathan Grald, William Hecht, Karyn Meier, Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Frank
Sheboy, Kerri Stroka, Rachel Wilson, Michael Ventre.
- Review and approval of minutes from the September 7, 2018 meeting
A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded by Frank Sheboy to approve the minutes as
amended. The motion was carried.
MaryPat Smith has volunteered for the April 5th Meeting (Youth & Government
Day) **
1) Community/Family – Initiatives/Needs
(Welcome Orange, Economic Security, Voices United for Change, Mental Health)
M. Dumas – Shared that the Cultural Task Force Helpline is available 24/7 – 800 832-1000
Darcie M. – Shared that October is Domestic Violence Month – discussion ensued regarding
what the schools are doing. She shared that System of Cares is folding into Welcome Orange –
discussion ensued regarding System of Cares. HEAP opens on November 13th. Discussion
ensued regarding snow prediction and the hours students need to be in school. She encourage
to let those in need that SNAP is available.
K. Stroka – Shared that Chapstick provides the number for Safe Homes.
R. Wilson – Shared information about United Way and the livable wage.
B. Monahan – Shared information regarding the Back Pack program provide at Minisink –
totally community funded.
F. Sheboy – Shared information about the Economic Assistance provided by Central Hudson
and the need of the Back Pack program continuing.
2) Youth/School – Initiatives/Needs
(Youth Bureau, Schools, Mental Health, Juvenile Justice)
R. Conflitti – Shared that Raise the Age became effective on Oct 1st – very quiet start. Shared
information regarding the training on Hate Crimes to be held on Nov 14th for Schools and
Police Agencies.
R. Wilson – Shared information about the Nov 27th Conference by the Youth Bureau –
students need permission slips (5-6 students per school). Provided information on several
programs provided by the Youth Bureau. Families in need – adopt a family for the holidays.
She also shared that United Way provides free items once a year.
B. Hecht – Provided a flyer on Stop the Bleed; also shared that on 10/29 at BOCES there will
be a webinar on the new Foster Law and ESSA.
K. Meier – Shared that the OCSBA is focused on Social & Emotional Development –
Presentation was provided at their meeting – discussion ensued regarding information on
transgender issues and food shaming.
Darcie M. – Provided information on the upcoming ACE’s event; shared that Soup Kitchen
operations are shared online across the county; shared that More Than Sad was held at
Monroe-Woodbury; Mental Health Satellites are at the following schools; Middletown, Chester
& Monroe-Woodbury.
B. Monahan – Shared information about Minisink Cares.
F. Sheboy – Provided an update on the Resilience video; provided information on the Sandy
Hook Promise (Suicide/School Violence).
K. Stroka – In regards to SNAP – who is eligible who is not and what about those who fall in
3) Social/Medical/Psychological – Initiatives/Needs
(Health Department, Mental Health, Social Services, Orange County Agencies)
R. Conflitti – Shared information regarding issues related to the Opioids that are not illegal.
Darcie M. – Reported on the issues with Opioids and the senior population – discussion
ensued regarding the need and addiction.
F. Sheboy – Reported on the Narcan Training.
M. Ventre – Provided an update on the Department of Health – shared the Opioid Crisis
Hotline; Narcan Training; STD issue in Orange County; Flu Season is coming up.
4) Future Agenda Items:
5) Upcoming Events - Sharing
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family
representatives, program leaders, and policy level administrators from local
schools, courts, and governments to work together, maintain communication and
linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community services system
which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
November 2, 2018
Hosted By
William J. Hecht, District Superintendent
Orange-Ulster BOCES
CTEC Building – Round Room
53 Gibson Road
Goshen, NY 10924
April 2018
Hosted by
Inaudy Esposito, Executive Director
Orange County Human Rights Division
Orange County Department of Health
124 Main Street
2nd Floor Conference Room
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – April 6, 2018
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Tiffany Gagliano, Kerry Gallagher, Kathy Gill, William Hecht,
Darcie Miller, Brian Monahan, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson. Youth &
Government Students.
I. Esposito – opened the meeting and welcomed the students.
- Review and approval of minutes from the March 9, 2018 meeting
A motion was made by F. Sheboy seconded by B. Monahan to approve the minutes as presented. The
motion was unanimously carried.
W. Hecht – Advised the team that the state budget was approved. Discussion ensued regarding the
amounts received by districts and the funding disbursements.
T. Gagliano – Great progress on Raise the Age and explained what Raise the Age is for the students
who are attending the meeting.
D. Miller – Shared the reasons for Raise the Age.
W. Hecht – Today…..Youth & Government Day is a great success.
Discussion ensued regarding how Youth & Government started and where it is today.
F. Sheboy – Provided an update on the vaping presentation. Teacher tough topics. Discussion on
pre prom meetings.
R. Conflitti – Provided details about the social hosting law.
Discussion ensued about the Tobacco 21 law.
Discussion ensued about juuling.
A. Turk – Provided an update on Suicide Prevention and will provide a presentation if needed.
D. Miller – Mental Health curriculum will be expanding.
Discussion ensued regarding screening for mental illness outside of the schools and into the
community. The students shared information regarding mental issues, suicide, alcohol and vaping.
R. Wilson – Shared what a Safe School Ambassador is.
R. Conflitti – Reminder letter to the Superintendents (Spring Time) – laws on drinking and the
explanation of the Good Samaritan law etc.
T. Gagliano – Spoke about sexting, cyber bullying and social media presentations. Our job is to
educate the parents about the phones and apps.
R. Wilson – Youth Mental Health Training (Voices United for Change)
R. Conflitti – Tomorrow at BOCES is the Mock Trails.
K. Gill – Provided a Poster for Children Mental Health Walk.
D. Miller – Shared what Welcome Orange is.
- Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program
leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together,
maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community
services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
May 4, 2018
Hosted By:
Dr. Frank Sheboy
Superintendent of Schools (HFFM)
Onken Center
53 Gibson Road
Goshen, NY 10924
May 2018
Hosted by
Frank Sheboy, Superintendent of Schools
Onken Center
53 Gibson Road
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – May 4, 2018
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Kerry Gallagher, Kathy Gill, William Hecht, Brian Monahan, Frank Sheboy, Angela Turk, Rachel
Wilson, Tiffany Niles.
- Review and approval of minutes from the April 6, 2018 meeting
A motion was made by B. Monahan seconded by B. Hecht to approve the minutes as presented. The
motion was unanimously carried.
R. Conflitti – Provided an update on Raise the Age as it relates to the School Districts.
W. Hecht – Spoke about the Humanities Breakfast; next is the Val/Sal dinner; spoke about the
computer based testing.
F. Sheboy – Spoke of safe driving presentations at the schools. Community collation is
collaborating with all. State testing is over.
K. Gallager – Reported on the Opening of an early intervention services in Newburgh
A. Turk – Mental Health Month; ADHD Conference next week; National Awareness.
Discussion ensued about the needs - regarding Raise the Age. Men in the Middle Years.
R. Wilson – Debrief about Youth-in-Government Day; Youth Job Readiness Conference to be
hosted by IDA, YB and OU BOCES in fall Internship and Volunteer opportunities for high school
and college students. Shared information regarding Library Services (Job Readiness). Shared the
Leadership Orange Ceremony.
K. Gill – Children Mental Awareness Walk tomorrow @ 9am.
A. Turk – The Charter is now complete – reviewed some of the changes.
Interagency Collaboration Agenda (continued)
Page Two
Discussion ensued about how many meetings needed a year.
T. Niles – provided information on a seminar she attended related to Binary Racism.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange CountyInteragency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program
leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together,
maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community
services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
June 1, 2018
(If needed)
March 2018
Hosted by
Kerry Gallagher, Deputy Commissioner
Orange County Department of Health
124 Main Street
2nd Floor Conference Room
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – March 9, 2018
In Attendance:
Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Tiffany Gagliano, Kerry Gallagher, Kathy Gill, William Hecht, Darcie Miller, Brian
Monahan, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, MaryPat Smith, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the February 9, 2018 meeting
A motion was made by F. Sheboy seconded by W. Hecht to approve the minutes as presented. The motion
was unanimously carried.
T. Gagliano – Provided information on the draft to State on Raise the Age.
D. Miller – Raise the Age needs a representative the School Districts.
Discussion ensued regarding Raise the Age.
D. Miller – Provided information regarding the filing of PINS.
W. Hecht – Provided information about the Vaping issue throughout the County. BOCES hosted
Winter Special Olympics (inside).
B. Monahan – Working with our students regarding the March 14th walkout.
F. Sheboy – Provided information about Vaping Presentation; a lot of focus on School Safety.
Discussion ensued regarding the March 14th walkout.
MP. Smith – Provided information about School Safety and a pilot program with Goshen School
Discussion ensued regarding Police presence in the School Districts.
A. Turk. – Reported on Connecting the Dots; School Safety; Assessment Tools – provided to the
School Districts.
D. Miller – Spoke about Mental Health Behaviors; Safe School Ambassadors; Recognizing
Discussion ensued regarding the lack of pediatric mental health.
Discussion ensued regarding EAP.
Interagency Collaboration Agenda (continued)
Page Two
R. Wilson – County Executive Youth Awards Luncheon (June 7th); Youth-in-Government Day
(April 6th) logistics; Workforce Preparation Committee update (Youth Bureau's Advisory Board) and
job readiness youth conference moved to Fall.
K. Gill – Voice for Humanity for Change - May 5th in Monroe.
A. Turk – Working on the Charter.
D. Miller – We are committed to making everyone feel welcome.
D. Miller – HEAP is still available.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program
leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and governments to work together,
maintain communication and linkages, and promote a creative, effective and efficient community
services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
April 6, 2018
Hosted By
Inaudy Esposito, Executive Director
Orange County Human Rights Division
Orange County Department of Health
124 Main Street
2nd Floor Conference Room
Goshen, NY 10924
February 2018
Hosted by
Elizabeth Holbrook, Chief Clerk
Orange County Family Court
285 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – February 9, 2018
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Tiffany Gagliano, Kerry Gallagher, William Hecht, Elizabeth Holbrook, Derek
Miller, Frank Sheboy, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk.
- Review and approval of minutes from the January 12, 2018 meeting
A motion was made by Kerri S. seconded by Robert C. to approve the minutes as presented. The motion
was unanimously carried.
Bill H. – Federal Government approved a spending measure for 2 years. Discussion ensued.
Elizabeth H. – Introduced Jill Baszczynski – Child Welfare Court Improvement Project.
Elizabeth H. – Introduced Steve Pack (JDAI and Raise the Age) he provided a presentation on Raise the Age
and how it will affect the schools. Discussion ensued.
Elizabeth H. – Shared information about PINS.
Derek M. – Shared his concerns regarding PINS and Raise the Age.
Frank S. – Thanked all for their support including the Crisis Team regarding the loss of a staff member.
Continuing to working on Mental Health issues. Shared a concern about vaping issue. Discussion ensued.
Angela T. – Concern regarding service providers for school assembly when a child is upset regarding the
content. Discussion ensued. Mental Health is willing to help if needed.
Bill H. – Many groups want to share their experiences. We need to be aware of what is being shared and
the impact. Its odyssey of the mind season and mock trials.
Angela T. – Applying for a Child Advocacy Center for Orange County.
Bill H. for Rachel W. – The Legislature is reserved for Youth in Government Day for space for all the
students to meet in the morning (like they've been doing in the Emergency Services auditorium), to then
be matched with their respective county folks.
Since Human Rights is hosting County Team that day so Inaudy will be reserving space for our meeting.
The job readiness conference we are cohosting with IDA is being rescheduled for the fall as the High School
Principals shared they would prefer that with the school schedules in the spring and so that they can
follow up with the students on what they learn throughout the year.
Angela T. – Working on our membership.
Tiffany G. – Still working on the sexting and cyber bullying presentations if anyone needs assistance.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
March 9, 2018
Hosted By
Kerry Gallagher, Deputy Commissioner
Orange County Department of Health
124 Main Street
2nd Floor Conference Room
Goshen, NY 10924
January 2018
Hosted by
Rachel Wilson, Director
Orange County Youth Bureau
Community Campus
18 Seward Avenue (2nd Floor Conference Room)
Middletown, NY 10941
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – January 12, 2018
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Inaudy Esposito, Tiffany Gagliano, Kathy Gill, William Hecht, Darcie Miller, Derek Miller, Brian
Monahan, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the December 8, 2017 meeting
A motion was made by Bill H. seconded by Rachel W. to approve the minutes as presented. The motion
was carried.
Rachel welcomed the group and everyone went around the table introducing themselves.
Angela T. – Shared information from the forum provided by Dr. Minkoff.
Bill H. – Shared information from the OC Chamber Breakfast; Shared information about the State of the
State address (doom & gloom).
Darcie M. – Shared that there is a decline in numbers of assistance needed; about 2100 in need of
temporary assistance; SNAP has declined and HEAP is busy.
Tiffany G. – Reminded everyone that on Oct 1st – some 16 year olds will be treated as juveniles.
Still waiting on State for information. Discussion ensued regarding Raise the Age.
Bill H. – Shared his concern regarding the OC Jail Program as it related to the State of the State address.
Darcie M. – Commented on the State of the State address.
Tiffany G. – Shared that the Sexting & Cyber Bulling Program that they provide can be done at any level
within the school setting.
Darcie M. – Commented on Every Student Succeeds Act – related to Foster Care Students and staying
in their Home School (need to get a plan in place).
Kerri S. – Provided information on our Parent Training (30 families) – Connecting Community Resources.
Angela T. – Would like to do a Home Health Presentation at the Schools (Age 5-21) for students
on Medicaid.
Angela T. – Provided information on the program Psychological First Aid; Share information on in clinic
services in schools.
Discussion ensued regarding suicide prevention.
Darcie M. – Spoke on behalf of creating a Child Advocacy Center in Orange County.
Discussion ensued regarding the need for the center.
Darcie M. – Spoke on behalf of the Hudson River Health Care and the need for migrant workers – summer
Rachel W. – Spoke on behalf of the Safe School Ambassadors; Successfully Transitioning Youth into
Adolescence extension & new grant; Emerging Leaders: Orange County Youth Conference with IDA, YB &
Kathy G. – Spoke on behalf of Voices United for Change.
Tiffany G. – Spoke on behalf of Sean of Girls on the Run.
Rachel W. – April 6, 2018 – Youth & Government Day.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
February 9, 2018
Hosted By
Elizabeth Holbrook, Chief Clerk
Orange County Family Court
285 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
2017 Minutes
December 2017
Hosted by
Mary Pat Smith, Assistant to the County Executive
County Executive’s Conference Room
40 Matthews Street
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – December 8, 2017
In Attendance:
Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Kerry Gallagher, William Hecht, Elizabeth Holbrook, Myrna Kemnitz, Derek
Miller, Frank Sheboy, Mary Pat Smith, Brandon Turner, Rachel Wilson, Tammy Rhein, Wanda McQueen.
- Review and approval of minutes from the November 3, 2017 meeting
A motion was made by Frank Sheboy seconded by Kerry Gallagher to approve the minutes as presented.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Rachel W. – Provided an update on the Adopt a Family; about 170 families this year a few less than last
year. Shared that the Youth/Adult Summit was well attended with about 90 attendees.
Tammy R. – Shared positive thoughts to Darcie M. in regards to the passing of the mother in law.
Welcome Orange continues to meet regularly and there has been discussion surrounding safety issues.
Discussion ensued regarding safety issue within the County and Schools.
Discussion ensued regarding de-escalation issues for those in crisis. Everyone agreed that there needs to
be a welcoming but safety conscious atmosphere.
Derek M. – Reminded everyone that HEAP is now open.
Bill H. – Shared information about State Aid for Schools and Budgets.
Frank S. – Spoke about the tax base and the impact on the possible changes.
Shared his appreciation of the support to and from the communities.
Derek M. – Spoke about the Raise the Age.
Elizabeth H. – Shared that the specialized detention center may not be ready by October. The cost to keep
a child in detention is about $600 per day.
Discussion ensued that most 16 and 17 year olds come from the cities of Middletown, Newburgh and Port
Jervis. There is a need for more family and school support. Orange County is ahead of the curve. PINS
placement is hirer that non-secured detention.
Brandon W. – Shared that he attended a Women’s Rights History field trip in Warwick.
Wanda M. – Shared that she is the new Director of Early Intervention Services – provided information
about the programs that are available.
Frank S. – Provided information about the Little Free Library (Boxes) - the goal is to have 6 by the end of
the year.
Discussion ensued regarding home school and networking.
Discussion on the Youth & Government through the YMCA.
Tammy R. – Spoke on behalf of the NYS Wraparound Project and how it will benefit the County.
Rachel W. – Spoke on behalf of the Safe School Ambassadors training – possibly 3 new school districts
joining this year. Shared that some grants are coming to the end but may be able to get some programs.
Derek M. – Spoke about the Women Health Needs Partnership.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
January 12, 2018
Hosted By
Rachel Wilson, Director
Orange County Youth Bureau
Community Campus
18 Seward Avenue (2nd Floor Conference Room)
Middletown, NY 10941
November 2017
Hosted by
William Hecht, District Superintendent
OUBOCES Career & Tech Center
Round Room
53 Gibson Road
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – November 3, 2017
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Kathy Gill, William Hecht, Myrna Kemnitz, Darcie Miller, Brian
Monahan, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Brandon Turner, Kerry Gallagher.
- Review and approval of minutes from the October 6, 2017 meeting
A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded by Frank Sheboy to approve the minutes as amended.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Angela T. – Advised the group that Welcome Orange is now meeting quarterly.
Darcie M. – November 7th HEAP is open. Reduction in temporary assistance.
Bill H. – The schools are beginning to look at the budgets.
Brian M. – TRS is going down and ERS is going up.
Frank S. – Backpack programs are still needed.
Darcie M. – Backpack Program - the County has sustain the funding for the next 2 years.
Brain M. – Minisink’s Backpack Program is done through donations.
Robert C. – Raise the Age is still being worked out. Many unanswered questions looking for guidance from the
state. We are willing to help the schools.
Terry R. – Shared a copy of the results of the 2016-2017 Youth Survey and explained how it was created. It is a
one stop data collection source.
Darcie M. – Opioid use has doubled.
Robert C. – Spoke on behalf of the Opioid Forums. Attendance is down perhaps do to it being held at a school.
Discussion ensued about how to get the children information.
Discussion ensued regarding a neutral location where everyone feels comfortable attending. How can we get
the message out?
Frank S. – Focused on family engagement. Homeless and Hurricane affected families.
Darcie M. – Spoke about ESSA and Foster Care regarding transportation agreements with the School Districts.
Terry R. /Angela T. – Spoke about the Pillars of Postvention: Response to Suicide Forum.
Angela T. – Shared an email from SUNY Orange about Suicide Prevention.
Darcie M. – Shared a flyer about The Annual Jean E. Jonas Professional Development Symposium and Frank W.
Masterson Memorial Banquet on Nov 16th
- Shared the date for the National Adoption Day – Nov 17th.
Discussion ensued about the repeat offenders and how to get them the help they need the first time.
Inaudy E. – Shared a flyer about Safe and Together for Safe Homes of Orange County – December 11th
Robert C. – Shared an update about the Uncommon Athlete - 6 events around the county.
Discussion ensued about alternating High School and Middle School
Frank S. – Thanked the County and BOCES for support.
Frank S. – Provided an update on the program he started last year (Positive Climate).
Mary D. – Shared information about substance use disorder (PEP Talks) – November 6thand November 14th
Kathy G. – Spoke about Voice United for Change - provided a flyer.
Brandon T. – Shared his view about the uncommon man. Shared what he is learning about cyber security.
Inaudy E. – Shared her concern regarding an activity in a textbook for roll playing about slavery and why it
was good (Nyack Schools).
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
December 8, 2017
Hosted By
Mary Pat Smith, Assistant to the County Executive
County Executive’s Conference Room
40 Matthews Street
Goshen, NY 10924
October 2017
Hosted by
Darcie Miller Commissioner
Orange County Department of Social Services & Mental Health
OCDMH – Melville Conference Room
30 Harriman Drive
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – October 6, 2017
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Inaudy Esposito, Tiffany Gagliano, Kathy Gill, William Hecht, Elizabeth Holbrook,
Myrna Kemnitz, Darcie Miller, Kerri Stroka, Tiffany Niles, Kerry Gallagher.
- Review and approval of minutes from the September 8, 2017 meeting
Discussion ensued. A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded by Kerri Stroka to approve the
minutes as amended. The motion was unanimously carried.
Tiffany N. – Provided information on Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays Program - Youth Bureau.
Kathy G. – Provided information on Circles of Wellness (Family & Youth Voices), Monthly Support Groups.
Expressed the need for youth voices.
Darcie M. – Spoke of Voices United.
Kerri S. – Shared her support of the need for youth voices.
Darcie M. – Provided an update on Welcome Orange.
Darcie M. – Provided the HEAP Opens on November 7th, explained the need for DSS, and shared information
of the DSS Commissioners meeting.
Discussion ensued regarding Raise the Age:
Tiffany G. – Provided information regarding the update to the Governor Website. Everything gets funneled
through the Governor’s office – a list of questions can be found.
Bill H. – Shared the at the DS meeting there was concern about Raise the Age and the lack of information.
Robert C. – Also shared his concern about the conflicting information.
Kerri S. – Provided information regarding a Training Class for Bus Drivers to be held in Newburgh for help with
behavioral issues on the bus – it is not mandatory.
Kerri S. – shared that BOCES will be hosting a First Parent Training – all are welcome.
Darcie M. – Spoke of the success of students and their need for additional support.
Darcie M. – Spoke of the West Chester Medical Project 11.
Kerry G. – Spoke of the Grant for the uninsured – Discussion ensued about the uninsured rate and the
Inaudy E. – Shared 2 flyers on Human Rights Gender Identity and Anti-Racism.
Darcie M. – Spoke about the Opioid Epidemic is on the rise – forum held at Monroe-Woodbury.
Robert C. – Spoke of the location of the forums – how to reach more people.
Discussion ensued regarding the stigma of where are the parents.
Bill H. – Offered to host any forum at OUBOCES in order to reach more parents.
Darcie M. – Shared information on Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Robert C. – Uncommon Athlete – up to 14 schools in attendance.
Tiffany G. – The County is hosting a Sexting & Cyber Bullying Forum – open to the public – Middletown High
School on (10/10/17) and SUNY Orange in Newburgh on (10/18/17).
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
November 3, 2017
Hosted By
William Hecht, District Superintendent
OUBOCES Career & Tech Center
Round Room
53 Gibson Road
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
September 2017
Hosted by
William Hecht, District Superintendent/CEO
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Administration Conference Room
53 Gibson Road
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – September 8, 2017
In Attendance:
Robert Conflitti, Inaudy Esposito, Ruben Estrada, Tiffany Gagliano, Kathy Gill, William Hecht, Elizabeth
Holbrook, Darcie Miller, Terry Reynolds, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Tiffany Niles.
- Review and approval of minutes from the May 12, 2017 meeting
A motion was made by Rubin Estrada seconded by Robert Conflitti to approve the minutes as presented.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Ruben E. – Share flyer for Fiesta Latino, September 16th
Darcie M. – September is Suicide prevention Month and Recovery Month
Shared flyer for Out of Darkness Community Walk, September 17th and ADAC 5K Run/Walk for Recovery,
September 23rd
Angela T. – Shared the focus of the Suicide Committee will be on middle-aged men. Developing posters that
reflect people getting help and support.
Darcie M. – Shared Orange County Department of Mental Health, Chemical Dependency Services brochure,
Onward Recovery brochure a newly funded recovery center in Newburgh, and the Orange County’s Addiction
Treatment Process Improvement Event, October 16-20th
Ruben E. – Shared that the “Real Men Wear Pink” Walk for Breast Cancer will be held October 15th
Bob C. – Shared that nine High Schools will be participating in the Uncommon Athlete this fall.
Tiffany G. – County-Wide Forums on Opioid Epidemic, tentatively scheduled for 0ctober 3, Monroe-Woodbury
HS and October 19th, Minisink Valley HS
Kathy G. – Will bring information on Voices United 4 Change to next meeting.
Angela T. – Voices United 4 Change will be partnering with Bravehearts to bring to our County. The mission of
the Bravehearts is to empower young adults touched by the Child Welfare System to become active and
authentic leaders in their own lives as they transition into adulthood. More information to follow.
Tiffany G. – County Attorney’s Office will be holding presentations again this year for Parents and Adult
Community members on sexting. Discuss ensued on what is occurring in communities and schools.
Tiffany N. – Youth Bureau will be kicking off their Adopt a Family for the holidays soon. They will be holding
Positive Youth Development Training and Youth Mental Health Training in October.
Darcie M. – Reviewed the purpose and goal of Welcome Orange for the group. Shared that a meeting
scheduled in Fishkill to discuss expanding the concept of Welcome Orange across all seven counties in the MidHudson Valley region. Orange County will have 25–30 seats. If anyone is interested please let her know.
Darcie M. – Shared some of the successes in economic security that have occurred in Orange County over the
past year.
Tiffany G. – Holding committee meetings to be prepared for the changes that will occur as a result of Raise the
Age. Want to be proactive until guidance comes down from the state.
Bill H. – Share that our Adult Education Program moved into the County owned Maple Building and what a
great partnership it is with the County. This location will provide learning opportunities in the Newburgh
community for many year to come.
Kerri S. – Discussed the growth in the Special Education Division and the changing needs of our students.
Discussion ensued about the needs of students when they are placed in a BOCES program.
Darcie M. – Shared the changes regarding transportation under ESSA for students in the foster care program.
The Department of Social Services and local school districts must come up with a plan/contract to ensure
transportation for foster care students once the school of location is determined. Discussion ensued about the
process and the importance of making decision based on the “best interests of the child”.
Ruben E. – Department of Health received a $580,000 grant for Newburgh to promote and provide information
on the State Department of Health’s insurance programs.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency
Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
October 6, 2017
Hosted By
Darcie Miller
Orange County Department of Social Services & Mental Health
OCDMH – Melville Conference Room
30 Harriman Drive
Goshen, NY 10924
April 2017
Hosted By
William Hecht, District Superintendent/CEO
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Fire Training Center
9 Training Center Lane
New Hampton, NY 10958
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – April 7, 2017
In Attendance:
Thomas Bongiovi, Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Ruben Estrada, Tiffany Gagliano, William Hecht, Rachel
Wilson, Tom Bolzan, Tammy Rhein, Youth & Government Students (Sidney, Asia, Hunter, Michael, Libby,
- Review and approval of minutes from the January 13, 2017 meeting
A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded by Thomas Bongiovi to approve the minutes as
presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Bill H. – Opened the meeting by welcoming the students from Youth & Government. Each student introduced
themselves and provided the school they represented.
Bill H. – Commented on the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed between BOCES and the County.
Tom B. – Spoke of the TASC Program and that it is still going strong. Spoke of the Lack of State Budget and its
effect on the schools budgets being adopted. He spoke of the overwhelming Heroin Epidemic in the County.
Y&G Students – Spoke on their perspectives on Education Success.
- Why are students not graduating? (Thomas B., Robert, Tammy & Tiffany responded)
- Why are parents not receiving the information and what can be done to see that they receive it?
Ruben E. – Shared what Health Equity is and how it affects your health (Demographics & Zip Code). Provided
an overview on the 1st Health Equity Conference.
Tom B. & Tammy R. – Provided information about Mental Health and how their programs help in the
Tom B. – Shared what the Lean Project (Lean Six Sigma) was.
Tiffany G. – Explained how all departments work on a project within the County and how it impacts those
Robert C. – Explained how every department in the County is working together on the Heroin Epidemic.
Bill H. - Explained the collaboration of County Team.
Robert C. – Spoke of the School Superintendent’s Summit and its purpose related to upcoming events (Proms,
Graduation). Spoke of the Social Host Law.
Ruben E. – Spoke of the Tobacco 21 Law.
Rachel W. – Shared the collaboration of the Youth Bureau & OUBOCES with Library Services (The library can
assist students/parents with FAFSA).
Rachel W. – Spoke of what Youth & Government Day is all about. Since 2014 over 200 awards have been
given out to youths and adults. Examples: The Spirit of Success Award is given to students with medical issues
who continue to succeed. Another is for adults who go above & beyond. She spoke of the Youth &
Government Internships that are provided to students by the County.
Tom B. – Shared what Welcome Orange is and how it’s a single door for help.
Tammy R. – Shared what Welcome Orange does around the County.
Bill H. – Shared no State Budget yet, first time in at least 10 years.
Tiffany G. – Explained the ongoing issue about raising the age and its effects on the youth.
The students spoke of their final thoughts on attending the County Team meeting and thanked everyone for
listening and providing feedback.
See email sent behalf of Angela Turk.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
May 12, 2017
Hosted By
Frank Sheboy, Superintendent of Schools
Highland Falls/Fort Montgomery CSD
James O’Neill High School
21 Morgan Road
Highland Falls, NY 10928
January 2017
Hosted by
Elizabeth Holbrook, Chief Clerk
Orange County Family Court
285 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – January 13, 2017
In Attendance:
Thomas Bongiovi, Robert Conflitti, Ruben Estrada, Tiffany Gagliano, William Hecht, Elizabeth Holbrook, Myrna
Kemnitz, Darcie Miller, Derek Miller, Debra Pietrancio, Frank Sheboy, Mary Pat Smith, Kerri Stroka, Angela
Turk, Brandon Turner, Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the December 9, 2016 meeting
A motion was made by Frank S. seconded by Tom B. to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was
unanimously carried.
Derek M. – reported on service referrals for JD’s, Orange County is at the top. Discussion ensued
regarding cross referencing by name; age of JD’s, screening/evaluating children; engaging families, PINS
reform, opioid epidemic, NARCAN, and raise the age.
Bill H. – spoke on behalf of ESSA and the proposed changes.
Darcie M. – spoke on behalf of ESSA/Foster Care and the effects of children remaining in their home
school and the transportation cost.
Bill H. – shared that currently 26 are enrolled in Youth in Jail Program with a success rate of 88%.
Discussion ensued regarding felonies getting jobs once released.
Frank S. – spoke on behalf of strength in families and that he is grateful to the youth bureau.
Tom S. – reported on the TASC program and that he has begun the back pack program with the HV Food
Ruben E. – pass around brochures for the Health Equity Conference and that they encouraging
restaurants in the county to provide a low salt menu.
Darcie M. – shared that satellite offices are in the works for Mental Health.
Angela T. – shared a concern of ethnic background issues in Newburgh Schools.
Rachel W. – reported that military and veteran families will be working together.
Rachel W. - shared that a safe school ambassador refresher will be held in February – looking to get more
schools involved; Albany workshop in February for youths to meet with Senators and Legislators; Youth &
Government Day is April 7th
Myrna K. – shared that Monroe-Woodbury is hosting a Chinese New Year.
Angela T. – reported that the 2nd Welcome Orange Orientation was held in December and spoke on behalf
of the stages in changes training
A suggestion was made and agreed by the group to rotate the agenda item for each meeting.
Several clinical training programs and information will be sent to the team via email.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency
Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
February 10, 2017
Hosted by
Darcie Miller, Commissioner
Orange County Department of
Social Services & Mental Health
OCDMH – Melville Conference Room
30 Harriman Drive
Goshen, NY 10924
2016 Minutes
December 2016
Hosted by:
Dr. Eli Avila, Commissioner
Orange County Department of Health
2nd Floor Conference Room
124 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – December 9, 2016
In Attendance:
Eli N. Avila, Thomas Bongiovi, Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Ruben Estrada, William Hecht, Darcie Miller,
Derek Miller, Debra Pietrancio, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, Mary Pat Smith, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk,
Brandon Turner, Rachel Wilson (Tiffany Niles).
- Review and approval of minutes from the November 4, 2016 meeting
A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded by Thomas Bongiovi to approve the minutes as
presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
Eli V. opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and had them introduce themselves. Eli V. gave a brief
overview of the OC Department of Health.
Bill H. – Spoke on behalf of the incarcerated youth and reported on the Educational Piece provided by
Darcie M. – Shared that New York State and U Albany are looking at Juvenile Justice.
Frank S. – Shared that Highland Falls was 1 or 30 to be selected to participate in the Positive Project
(Respect for All). Continues to encourage families to come into our schools.
Tiffany N. – Reported on School Ambassadors.
Discussion ensued about School Ambassadors.
Tom B. – Reported on the success of the in district TASC Program. Very close to getting the Back Pack
Program in Port Jervis. Spoke on behalf of a Pride Recognition Reward (Staff to Staff) – Positive work
Terry R. – Shred additional information about the TASC Program.
Angela T. – Provided support to the Goshen School District in November for mental health and suicide
Darcie M. – Spoke on behalf of the Friends Help Friends App.
Robert C. – Spoke on behalf of the legislation and illegal substances.
Eli A. – Spoke on behalf of the legislations and the bill passed on illegal substances in PA. Spoke on behalf
of the legislation voting to change the Tobacco Age to 21 on December 22, 2016. Spoke about the
success of the art work for the Smoke Out hosted by BOCES.
Darcie M. – Discussed substance abuse in our area and shared a pamphlet on Chemical Dependency
Kerri S. – Shared that OUBOCES is a trainer of NARCAN Training.
Brandon T. – Shared that most students today despise tobacco.
Discussion ensued about tobacco and vaping.
Tom B. – Shared that the National Guard Task Force of NARCAN provided information to Port Jervis.
Darcie M. – Shared that ESSA pushed that Foster Students to remain in their home districts. She will be
recruiting parents in district to become Foster Parents.
Ruben E. – Shared that March 8th is the Health Equity Conference at OCCC.
Robert C. – Reported on the immigration incentive to help those who are undocumented.
Ruben E. – Offered to provide information on his Bilingual Radio Show.
Tiffany N. – Reported on Family Outreach – and this year’s Adopt a Family.
Debra P. – Shared that she participates in an Adopt a Family through BOCES.
Darcie M. – Shared that the numbers of request for Temporary Assistant has gone down.
Angela T. – Reported that the 2nd Welcome Orange Orientation hosted 60 people.
Darcie M. – Shared that HEAP Season just opened. Furnace Repair and Fuel Fund is available.
Frank S. – Reported that 90 Back Packs were sent home last week and thanked the County Executive for
the support for this program.
9. OTHER – n/a
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County InteragencyCollaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
January 13, 2017
Hosted by
Elizabeth Holbrook, Chief Clerk
Orange County Family Court
285 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
November 2016
Hosted by
Darcie Miller, Commissioner of Social Services & Mental Health
OCDMH Melville Conference Room
30 Harriman Drive
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – November 4, 2016
In Attendance:
Thomas Bongiovi, Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Ruben Estrada, Tiffany Gagliano, William Hecht, Elizabeth
Holbrook, Myrna Kemnitz, Darcie Miller, Derek Miller, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, Mary Pat Smith, Angela
Turk, Brandon Turner.
- Review and approval of minutes from the October 14, 2016 meeting
A motion was made by Ruben Estrada seconded by Thomas Bongiovi to approve the minutes as presented.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Darcie M. opened the meeting by sharing some history of the Mental Health Building. Bill H. introduced
our student representative, Brandon T.
Derek M. - Shared that they are in the final stages of getting coverage for the Westside of the County and
provided information on his visit to the New Mexico Juvenile Justice System (3 time diversion).
Elizabeth H. – Provided information on Safety Pass and the team shared their concerns. Information was
shared regarding the Child Welfare Conference and discussion ensued regarding PINS.
Derek M. – Provided an update on the We Can Make a Mark Program.
Darcie M. – Provided an update on the Safe Harbor Program.
Tom B. – Provided an update on the TASC Program – to begin November 21st. He shared that Mr. Rob Gilbert
is joining his District for Conference Day – Mr. Gilbert provides a “Success Hotline” which provides a daily
positive message (973-743-4690).
Frank S. – Provided an update on the following: Dad for Donuts (getting families involved); continued
community outreach; partnering with Cornell Cooperative; Back Pack program; lice/bedbugs research and
outreach options.
Myrna K. – Provided information for the lice/bedbug outreach option (contacting manufactures and
corporations who supply the products).
Ruben E. – Also shared information regarding the contacting of manufactures and corporations who supply
the products.
Terry R. – Provided an update on the Youth Survey – which will be administered in Nov/Dec to the Districts
who have volunteered.
Bill H. – Shared information regarding the creation of a Pipeline to the Job Market from CTEC.
Discussion ensued regarding the need for a representative from Newburgh.
Darcie M. – Provided an update on the Medical Village in Port Jervis – same model may be used in Newburgh.
Angela T. – Provided an update on the Children Health Homes and Adult Health Homes; provided a Medicaid
update for 2017.
Darcie M. – Shared that Foster Care Children can be a part of the Children Health Homes.
Ruben E. – Provided the following information: The Health Equity Conference will be held in March at SUNY,
Newburgh; Men Who Wear Pink raised $51,000; November 9th
– Open House for the American Cancer Society;
provided the Orange County Health Department Protocol for Bedbugs.
Robert C. – Spoke of the Uncommon Athlete hosted at Port Jervis (1700 students attended from several
schools in Orange County).
Angela T. – Provided an update on the Suicide Prevention Program.
Darcie M. – Opioid Epidemic Presentation is on November 17th– 2 sessions.
Discussion ensued on how to get the Faith Based Community involved.
Elizabeth H. – National Adoption Day (Ceremonial Court) – November 18th @ 2pm.
Ruben E. – Hosts a Radio Show on Saturday’s from 12 – 2 (Please forward any announcements).
Angela T. – Next Welcome Orange Orientation is December 6th; provided an update on the Youth Summit.
Darcie M. – Provided an update on Adopt a Family; HEAP opens November 14th; Furnace assistance opens on
November 7th
9. OTHER – N/A
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program leaders, and
policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together, maintains
communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community services system which
supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
December 9, 2016
Hosted by
Dr. Eli Avila
Orange County Department of Health
2nd Floor Conference Room
124 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
October 2016
Hosted by
Thomas Bongiovi, Superintendent of SchoolsPort Jervis School District
High School Library
10 Route 209
Port Jervis, NY 12771
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – October 14, 2016
In Attendance:
Thomas Bongiovi, Robert Conflitti, Mary Dumas, Ruben Estrada, Darcie Miller, Debra Pietrancio,
Kerri Stroka.
- Review and approval of minutes from the September 9, 2016 meeting
A motion was made by Thomas Bongiovi seconded by Robert Conflitti to approve the minutes. The
motion was unanimously carried.
Tom Bongiovi opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and introducing Debra Pietrancio
(student representative).
Tom B. – introduced his new Assistant Principal Tom Rickard who provided information on two
programs that Port Jervis recently hosted - the Uncommon Athlete and Rachel’s Challenge.
Robert C. - also commented on the programs, the number of school districts providing these
programs and the positive impact it provides to the students who participate in the programs.
Debra P. – shared her experience of participating in the Uncommon Athlete.
Tom B. – provided an update on the TASC Program at Port Jervis (students ages 16 – 20).
Kerri S. – provided an update on the Newcomer Program (currently five students). At this time the
programs is for high school only, however they are getting requests for elementary and middle
school students.
Darcie M. – expressed concern about the outreach for reproductive health in Port Jervis.
Darcie M. – provided information about the Adverse Childhood Study (ACS) and the importance of
the finding in order to assist the children.
Darcie M. – shared information about looking at Ted Talk by Nadine Burke related to Wellness in
the Community.
Ruben E. – provided information on community outreach and the Health Equity Conference in
Ruben E. – provided article related to a Peace Officer Bill that would save lives by designating
Physicians and First responders as Peace Officers.
Darcie M. – provided an update on the Opium Epidemic and the upcoming event on November 17th
at Kuhl’s Highland House.
Ruben E. – provided information about “Real Men Wear Pink”.
Ruben E. – Spanish Radio Station 95.7FM –any information that needs to be communicated to the
community can be provided.
Kerri S. – provided information on behalf of Rachel W. - Please remind members to sign up to
attend the Community Convening the Youth Bureau and Social Services is hosting on December 1st.
This is the next step from our last meeting when members helped prioritized the indicators for the
Life Areas we will be focusing on at the convening.
Mary D. – provided information on Youth Day – October 15th @ 8:30am.
Darcie M. – shared that December 1st is the next orientation for Welcome Orange.
Darcie M. – shared that November 14th
– HEAP Season Opens (Heating Assistance from Nov – Mar).
The committee agreed to add a section for Upcoming Events.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program
leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together,
maintains communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community
services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
November 4, 2016
Hosted by
Darcie Miller, Commissioner of Social Services & Mental Health
Orange County Executive’s Conference Room
40 Matthews Street
Goshen, NY 10924
September 2016
Hosted by
William Hecht, District Superintendent/CEO
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Administration Conference Room
53 Gibson Road
Goshen, NY 10924
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday – September 9, 2016
In Attendance:
Thomas Bongiovi, Robert Conflitti, Tiffany Gagliano, William Hecht, Myrna Kemnitz, Darcie Miller,
Derek Miller, Terry Reynolds, Frank Sheboy, Dottie Slattery, Kerri Stroka, Angela Turk, Rachel Wilson.
- Review and approval of minutes from the June 10, 2016 meeting
Discussion ensued regarding two revisions to the minutes on Item #3 and Item #7.
A motion was made by Robert Conflitti seconded by Dr. Frank Sheboy to approve the minutes with
the revisions. The motion was unanimously carried.
William Hecht opened the County Team meeting and welcomed everyone. He introduced Sharleen
Depew his Executive Assistant and that she would be the new Secretary for the County Team. Bill
Hecht reported that he has begun the process in looking for two student representatives.
Derek M. – Reported on the focus of ensuring the children can meet the educational standards.
Reported on the opium addiction at a young age – there is a need to begin educating the parents.
Group discussion ensued regarding the dangers of drugs, alternative school suspensions, trafficking
issues, sexual assaults, importance of involving the police.
Port Jervis TASC Program – Tom Bongiovi
Tom B. – Reported on a new pilot program – TASC Program at Port Jervis (former GED). Port Jervis
hired an attendance officer to help find the students in need.
Building Connections – Bill Hecht
Bill H. – Handed out the BOCES Building Connection. BOCES can help municipalities digitalize
records. Terry R. reported on the Mandarin Chinese program at BOCES. Kerri S. reported on the
Newcomers Program (students new to the country).
Frank S. – Reported on having courageous conversations regarding race and culture that may
impact the children. Highland Falls has a vacant building and would like to keep community
services within the Highland Falls community.
Darcie M. – Reported that it is Suicide Prevention Month – passed out a flyer (Walk to Fight
Suicide). Angela T. – Reported on the need for committee members for the Orange County Suicide
Prevention Committee.
Bill H. – Passed around the Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team Calendar – still need
hosts for a few dates.
Robert C. – Reported on the Uncommon Athletic (Rachel’s Challenge) program - Five Districts will
be participating.
Rachel W. – Reported on Safe Schools Programs and that they are looking for Safe School
Children & Family Services Plan – Rachel Wilson
Rachel W. - Provided a handout to collect data to be used for the Community Convening. The data
will be used for a five year plan. The group collectively provided data.
Rachel W. – Reported on the upcoming NYS Youth Bureau Conference.
Angela T. – Reported on the Parent University and Family Summit to be held October 15th
Kerri S. – Reported that it’s possible she will be attending the training class TCI for families in crisis.
Rachel W. – Reported on the Summer Youth Internship.
Angela T. – Countywide Orientation will be in the fall.
Darcie M. – Reported that Welcome Orange is spreading.
Darcie M. – Heat season being prepared for opening on November 14th. Cash Assistance Program
is less and less each year. There are challenges for those left on the service.
Rachel W. – Reported on the ACE Mentoring Program throughout the Hudson Valley.
Don’t FORGET Website Access – Click on Links; click on Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team for updates.
“The Orange County Interagency Collaboration Team is a forum for family representatives, program
leaders, and policy level administrators from local schools, courts, and government to work together,
maintains communication and linkages, and promotes a creative, effective and efficient community
services system which supports children and their families.”
Next Meeting
October 14, 2016
Hosted by
Thomas Bongiovi, Superintendent of Schools
Port Jervis City School District HS Library
10 Route 209
Port Jervis, NY 12771