In accordance with law, the BOCES Wellness Policy was established in 2006; and the BOCES will ensure school and community awareness of this policy through various means, such as publication in the BOCES newsletters and/or the BOCES website. Further, professional development activities for staff and student awareness training will be provided, as appropriate, on the goals of the BOCES Wellness Program, including activities/programs for the development of healthy eating habits and the incorporation of physical activity as part of a comprehensive healthy lifestyle.
The BOCES shall establish an implementation and evaluation plan for the Wellness Policy in order to monitor its effectiveness and for the possible need for further modification over time. Accordingly, the District Superintendent/Executive Officer shall designate one or more staff members within the BOCES or at each satellite, as appropriate, to have operational responsibility for ensuring that the BOCES meets the goals and mandates of its Wellness Policy. Designated staff members may include, but are not limited to, the following personnel:
a) Administrators;
b) School health personnel including the school nurse and the health and/or physical education teacher; and
c) School Food Service Managers.
These designated staff members shall periodically report to the District Superintendent/Executive Officer on the BOCES compliance with the Wellness Policy (or, if done at the building level, to the building principal) and the District Superintendent/Executive Officer shall inform the Board of such findings. The District Superintendent/Executive Officer or designee shall prepare a summary report on the BOCES-wide compliance with the Wellness Policy based on input from the divisions. That report will be provided to the Board and also distributed to the Wellness Committee, Building Principals, and School Health Services personnel within the BOCES. The report shall also be placed on the website, made available to parent-teacher organizations and community residents upon request.
These designated school officials will also serve as a liaison with community agencies in providing outside resources to help in the development of nutritional education programs and physical activities.
Evaluation and feedback from interested parties, including an assessment of student, parent, teacher, and administration satisfaction with the Wellness Policy, is essential to the BOCES evaluation program. Further, the BOCES shall document the financial impact, if any, to the school food service program or vending machine revenues based on the implementation of the Wellness Policy.
The BOCES will provide nutrition education and physical education, with an emphasis on establishing lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity, and will establish linkages between health education and school meal programs, and with related community services. Communication with and training for teachers, parents, students, and food service staff will be an integral part of the BOCES implementation plan.
To the extent practicable, students and parents shall be involved in the development of strategies designed to promote healthy food choices in the school environment; and the school cafeteria will provide a variety of nutritionally sound meal and beverage choices. The BOCES will encourage students' active, age appropriate participation in decisions regarding healthy lifestyles and choices. Positive reinforcement such as letters of recognition and acknowledgment will be utilized as a means to encourage healthy eating patterns among the student population. In addition, the school will share information about the nutritional content of meals with parents and students; such information may be made available on menus, a Web site, or such other "point-of-purchase" materials.
Assessments of the BOCES Wellness Policy and implementation efforts may be repeated on an annual basis, but it is recommended that such assessment occur no later than every three years, to help review policy compliance, assess progress, and determine areas in need of improvement. The BOCES and satellites, will, as necessary, revise the Wellness Policy and develop work plans to facilitate its implementation.
Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, Public Law Section 108-265 Section 204
Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, 42 USC Section 1751 et seq.
Child Nutrition Act of 1966, 42 USC Section 1771 et seq.
7 CFR Section 210.10 0517cfr210 05.html
Education Law §§ 803, 804, 806-a, and 3204
Education Law Article 90 8 NYCRR §§ 107.2, 135.4, and 142
Adopted: 7/14/16 Revised: 7/12/18